Biotechnology And Its Application Topic

Recombinant DNA Technology

  • Reference: NCERT Biology Class 12, Chapter 12

  • Basics of Genetic Engineering and Manipulation:

    • Introduction to genetic engineering and its applications
    • Methods of gene manipulation: transformation, conjugation, transduction
  • Restriction Enzymes, DNA Ligase, and Vectors:

    • Structure and properties of restriction enzymes
    • DNA ligase and its role in DNA recombination
    • Types of vectors: plasmids, bacteriophages, cosmids
  • Gene Cloning and Expression using Suitable Vectors:

    • Steps involved in gene cloning: isolation, insertion, transformation, selection
    • Expression vectors and their components (promoters, enhancers, terminators)
  • Southern Blotting, Northern Blotting, and Western Blotting Techniques:

    • Southern blotting for DNA analysis
    • Northern blotting for RNA analysis
    • Western blotting for protein analysis
  • Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) and its Applications:

    • Basics of PCR and its components (DNA template, primers, DNA polymerase)
    • Different types of PCR: standard PCR, multiplex PCR, real-time PCR
    • Applications of PCR in diagnostics, genotyping, and genetic engineering

Gene Regulation and Expression

  • Reference: NCERT Biology Class 12, Chapter 6

  • Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic Gene Expression:

    • Transcription and translation processes in prokaryotes and eukaryotes
    • Differences between prokaryotic and eukaryotic gene expression
  • Transcription and Translation Processes:

    • Transcription: RNA synthesis using DNA template
    • Translation: Protein synthesis using mRNA template
  • Role of Transcription Factors, Enhancers, and Silencers in Gene Regulation:

    • Role of transcription factors in regulating gene expression
    • Enhancers and silencers: their role in gene regulation
  • Operon Concept and its Significance in Gene Regulation (lac and trp operon):

    • Concept of operon: a cluster of genes regulated together
    • lac operon: its structure, regulation, and significance
    • trp operon: its structure, regulation, and significance

Protein Structure and Function

  • Reference: NCERT Biology Class 11 and Class 12, Chapter 14 and Chapter 10

  • Different Levels of Protein Organization:

    • Primary structure: amino acid sequence
    • Secondary structure: alpha-helix, beta-pleated sheet
    • Tertiary structure: three-dimensional arrangement of polypeptide
    • Quaternary structure: organization of multiple polypeptide chains
  • Forces Stabilizing Protein Structures: -Covalent bonds (disulfide bonds)

    • Hydrogen bonds
    • Ionic bonds
    • Van der Waals interactions
  • Protein Function and its Relation to Structure (enzymes, antibodies, hormones, transport proteins):

    • Enzymes: Structure and function of enzymes
    • Antibodies: Structure and function of antibodies
    • Hormones: Structure and function of hormones
    • Transport proteins: Structure and function of transport proteins
  • Enzyme Catalysis, Enzyme Kinetics, and Enzyme Inhibition:

    • Enzyme catalysis: Mechanism of enzyme action
    • Enzyme kinetics: Michaelis-Menten equation and its significance
    • Enzyme inhibition: Competitive, non-competitive, and uncompetitive inhibition

Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology Applications

  • Reference: NCERT Biology Class 12, Chapter 12

  • Production of Transgenic Plants (Bt cotton, Golden rice):

    • Steps involved in transgenic plant production
    • Bt cotton: Benefits and concerns
    • Golden rice: Benefits and limitations
  • Gene Therapy and its Potential Applications:

    • Types of gene therapy: somatic gene therapy, germline gene therapy
    • Potential applications of gene therapy
    • Ethical considerations in gene therapy
  • Pharmaceutical Applications (Production of Insulin, Growth Hormone, Antibiotics):

    • Pharmaceutical products produced using gene technology
    • Production of insulin, growth hormone, and antibiotics
    • Advantages of gene technology in pharmaceutical production
  • DNA Fingerprinting and its Applications in Forensics and Paternity Testing:

    • Basics of DNA fingerprinting and its techniques
    • Applications in forensic science and paternity testing
  • Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) and their Ethical Considerations:

    • Concept of GMOs and their development
    • Potential benefits and risks of GMOs
    • Ethical considerations related to GMOs

Industrial Biotechnology

  • Reference: NCERT Biology Class 12, Chapter 12

  • Biofuels (Bioethanol, Biodiesel) and their Production Processes:

    • Types of biofuels: bioethanol, biodiesel
    • Production processes of bioethanol and biodiesel
    • Advantages and disadvantages of biofuels
  • Production of Organic Acids, Solvents, and Amino Acids through Microbial Fermentation:

    • Microbial fermentation and its products (organic acids, solvents, amino acids)
    • Industrial processes involving microbial fermentation
  • Enzyme Technology and its Industrial Applications:

    • Immobilized enzymes and their advantages
    • Applications of immobilized enzymes in various industries
  • Bioremediation and its Significance in Environmental Cleanup:

    • Concept of bioremediation and its applications
  • Role of microorganisms in bioremediation

  • Environmental benefits of bioremediation

Environmental Biotechnology

  • Reference: NCERT Biology Class 12, Chapter 13

  • Biodegradation and Bioremediation of Pollutants:

  • Biodegradation of pollutants by microorganisms

  • Bioremediation strategies for soil and water pollution

  • Phytoremediation and its Application in Removing Heavy Metals from Soil:

    • Concept of phytoremediation and its mechanisms
    • Plants used in phytoremediation and their abilities
  • Microbial Leaching and its Use in Mineral Extraction:

    • Microbial leaching and its significance
    • Role of microorganisms in mineral extraction
  • Waste Management and Wastewater Treatment using Microorganisms:

    • Microorganisms involved in waste management and wastewater treatment
    • Biogas production and its significance