Notes From Toppers

Application of Biotechnology in Medicine

1. Genetic Engineering:

  • Concepts:
    • Recombinant DNA technology: Definition, steps, and significance. (NCERT Biology Class XII, Chapter 12: Biotechnology and its Applications)
    • Gene cloning: Methods, vectors, and applications. (NCERT Biology Class XII, Chapter 12)
    • Gene expression: Regulation, control mechanisms, and importance. (NCERT Biology Class XII, Chapter 6: Molecular Basis of Inheritance)
  • Applications in medicine:
    • Production of therapeutic proteins: Insulin, growth hormones, and antibodies. (NCERT Biology Class XII, Chapter 12)
    • Genetically modified organisms: Applications in medicine, agriculture, and industry. (NCERT Biology Class XII, Chapter 12)

2. Gene Therapy:

  • Principles and techniques:
    • Concepts of gene therapy, gene delivery methods, and targeting strategies. (NCERT Biology Class XII, Chapter 12)
    • Viral vectors: Types, advantages, and limitations. (NCERT Biology Class XII, Chapter 12)
    • Non-viral methods: Physical, chemical, and biological approaches. (NCERT Biology Class XII, Chapter 12)
  • Ethical considerations:
    • Safety concerns, risks, and benefits. (NCERT Biology Class XII, Chapter 12)
    • Informed consent, regulation, and international guidelines. (NCERT Biology Class XII, Chapter 12)

3. Medical Diagnostics:

  • Techniques:
    • Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR): Principles and applications in disease detection and DNA analysis. (NCERT Biology Class XII, Chapter 12)
    • Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA): Concepts, procedures, and applications in serological tests and immunoassays. (NCERT Biology Class XII, Chapter 12)
    • DNA microarrays: Technology, hybridization techniques, and applications in genetic profiling and diagnosis. (NCERT Biology Class XII, Chapter 12)

4. Pharmacogenomics:

  • Personalized medicine:
    • Concept of personalized medicine, tailoring drug treatments based on genetic makeup. (NCERT Biology Class XII, Chapter 12)
    • Genetic variations, single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), and their role in drug response. (NCERT Biology Class XII, Chapter 12)
    • Advantages and challenges of personalized medicine. (NCERT Biology Class XII, Chapter 12)

5. Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine:

  • Principles:
    • Tissue engineering concepts and applications. (NCERT Biology Class XII, Chapter 12)
    • Biomaterials used in tissue engineering: Scaffolds, growth factors, and stem cells. (NCERT Biology Class XII, Chapter 12)
    • Challenges in tissue engineering and regenerative medicine. (NCERT Biology Class XII, Chapter 12)

6. Microbial Biotechnology:

  • Applications:
    • Production of antibiotics, vaccines, and other therapeutic agents using microorganisms. (NCERT Biology Class XII, Chapter 12)
    • Bioremediation and environmental cleanup: Role of microorganisms in degrading pollutants and toxic substances. (NCERT Biology Class XII, Chapter 12)

7. Cancer Biotechnology:

  • Molecular basis of cancer:
    • Genetic alterations, oncogenes, tumor suppressor genes, and mechanisms of cancer development. (NCERT Biology Class XII, Chapter 12)
    • Regulation of cell cycle and apoptosis in cancer cells. (NCERT Biology Class XII, Chapter 9: Cell Cycle and Cell Division)
  • Biotechnology in cancer diagnosis and treatment:
    • Targeted therapies, immunotherapy, and gene therapy approaches. (NCERT Biology Class XII, Chapter 12)
    • Biomarkers, molecular diagnostics, and personalized cancer treatments. (NCERT Biology Class XII, Chapter 12)

8. Agricultural Biotechnology:

  • Applications:
    • Genetically modified crops: Insect resistance, herbicide tolerance, improved nutritional quality, and disease resistance. (NCERT Biology Class XII, Chapter 12)
    • Molecular breeding techniques, marker-assisted selection, and genetically modified organisms (GMOs) in agriculture. (NCERT Biology Class XII, Chapter 12)
  • Ethical and environmental considerations:
    • Biosafety concerns, environmental impact, and regulations related to GMOs. (NCERT Biology Class XII, Chapter 12)

9. Industrial Biotechnology:

  • Applications:
    • Biofuel production, fermentation processes, enzyme technology, and production of industrial chemicals using microorganisms. (NCERT Biology Class XII, Chapter 12)
    • Waste management, wastewater treatment, bioremediation, and biodegradation. (NCERT Biology Class XII, Chapter 12)

10. Bioinformatics and Computational Biology:

  • Role of bioinformatics:
    • DNA