
Alimentary Canal:

  • Divided into foregut, midgut, and hindgut.

  • Mouth leads to pharynx, then to oesophagus.

  • Crop for food storage, followed by gizzard for grinding.

  • Hepatic caecae secrete digestive juices.

  • Malpighian tubules in hindgut remove excretory products.

Blood Vascular System:

-Open circulatory system with poorly developed vessels.

-Haemolymph bathes organs in haemocoel.

-Heart pumps blood through chambers and ostia.

Respiratory System:

  • Tracheal network delivers oxygen via spiracles.

  • Tracheoles for gas exchange through diffusion.

  • Spiracle openings regulated by sphincters.


  • Malpighian tubules absorb waste, convert to uric acid.

  • Uricotelic excretion (uric acid excreted through hindgut).

  • Fat body, nephrocytes, and urecose glands aid excretion.

Nervous System:

  • Ganglia connected by ventral longitudinal connectives.

  • Brain in head region, spread throughout body.

  • Sense organs include antennae, eyes, palps, anal cerci.

Reproductive System:

  • Dioecious with well-developed reproductive organs.

  • Male: Testes, vas deferens, ejaculatory duct, gonopore.

  • Female: Ovaries, ovarioles, oviducts, spermatheca, ootheca.

Life Cycle:

  • Development through nymphal stages.

  • Nymphs resemble adults, grow through molting.

  • Adult cockroaches have wings.

Ecological Impact:

-Some species pests in human habitats.

-Contaminate food, transmit diseases through excreta.

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