

In biology, a tissue is an ensemble of similar cells and their extracellular matrix from the same origin that together carry out a specific function.

Types of Tissue

In animals, the main types of tissue are:

  1. Epithelial Tissue: Covers body surfaces, lines hollow organs and cavities, and forms glands.

  2. Connective Tissue: Supports, protects, and binds other tissues. Includes bone, blood, and fat.

  3. Muscle Tissue: Responsible for movement. Includes skeletal, cardiac, and smooth muscle tissues.

  4. Nervous Tissue: Conducts impulses to and from body parts. Composed of neurons and neuroglia.

In plants, the basic types of tissue include:

  1. Meristematic Tissue: Responsible for plant growth.

  2. Permanent Tissue: Differentiated tissue that makes up the plant body, including epidermal, ground, and vascular tissues.


Meristems are plant tissues that are characterized by cell division and are responsible for growth. Cells in the meristem can differentiate into various types of plant tissue.

Types of Meristem

  1. Apical Meristems: Located at the tips of roots and shoots, responsible for primary growth (lengthening).

  2. Lateral Meristems: Includes the vascular cambium and cork cambium, responsible for secondary growth (thickness).

  3. Intercalary Meristems: Found at the base of leaves or internodes (on stems), especially in grasses, responsible for regrowth after cutting or grazing.

Xylem and Phloem

These are the two types of vascular tissue in plants, and they are responsible for the transport of water, nutrients, and organic compounds.

  1. Xylem: Transports water and dissolved minerals from the roots to the rest of the plant. It also provides mechanical support. Composed of tracheids and vessel elements in angiosperms, and tracheids in gymnosperms.

  2. Phloem: Transports organic nutrients, particularly sucrose, from the leaves to the rest of the plant. Consists of sieve tube elements and companion cells.

Each of these components plays a vital role in the growth, development, and functioning of plants and animals.