
Incomplete Dominance

“Incomplete dominance” is a key concept within the Principles of Inheritance and Variation in genetics. It refers to a situation where neither allele of a gene completely masks the other in a heterozygous condition. This results in a phenotype that is a blend or intermediate between the phenotypes of the two alleles. Here are some important aspects of incomplete dominance:

1. Intermediate Phenotype: In incomplete dominance, the heterozygous phenotype is a mix or intermediate of the phenotypes of the two homozygous forms. This is different from complete dominance, where the dominant allele completely masks the effect of the recessive allele.

2. Example: A classic example is the flower color in snapdragons. When a red-flowered plant (RR) is crossed with a white-flowered plant (rr), the F1 generation plants (Rr) have pink flowers—an intermediate phenotype.

3. Genotypic and Phenotypic Ratios: In incomplete dominance, the genotypic and phenotypic ratios are the same. For example, when two pink-flowered snapdragons are crossed (Rr x Rr), the F2 generation will have a genotypic and phenotypic ratio of 1 red: 2 pink: 1 white.

4. No Dominant or Recessive Alleles: In this type of inheritance, neither allele is dominant or recessive. Instead, both alleles contribute to the phenotype in the heterozygous condition.

5. Molecular Basis: Incomplete dominance often occurs because the heterozygote produces a reduced amount of functional protein compared to the homozygote for the dominant allele, leading to an intermediate phenotype.

6. Inheritance Patterns: This pattern of inheritance challenges the classical Mendelian inheritance where traits are classified into distinct categories of dominant and recessive. Incomplete dominance demonstrates that inheritance can be more complex and not always ’either-or'.

7. Pedigree Analysis: In human genetics, incomplete dominance can be observed in the analysis of certain traits in pedigree charts, where the heterozygous individuals can be identified by their intermediate phenotype.

8. Educational Importance: Understanding incomplete dominance helps students and researchers grasp the complexity and diversity of genetic inheritance patterns beyond the simple Mendelian concepts.


“Co-dominance” is another important concept in the Principles of Inheritance and Variation in genetics. It describes a scenario where both alleles in a heterozygous individual are fully expressed, leading to a phenotype that simultaneously shows both traits without blending. Key aspects of co-dominance include:

1. Equal Expression of Alleles: In co-dominance, both alleles are equally expressed in the phenotype. This differs from incomplete dominance, where an intermediate phenotype is observed.

2. Classic Example: A well-known example is the ABO blood group system in humans. The A and B alleles are co-dominant. Individuals with genotype IAIB express both A and B antigens on their red blood cells.

3. Phenotypes Reflect Both Alleles: In co-dominance, the phenotype of a heterozygote clearly shows the effects of both alleles. For instance, in cattle, the Roan coat color is a result of co-dominance where both red and white hair is present.

4. Genotypic and Phenotypic Ratios: In co-dominance, the genotypic ratio often reflects the phenotypic ratio, as each genotype corresponds to a distinct phenotype.

5. No Dominance or Recessiveness: Neither allele is dominant or recessive in co-dominant relationships. Both alleles are fully and equally expressed.

6. Molecular Basis: Co-dominance can occur when each allele codes for a different protein, or different versions of a protein, and both are functional and contribute to the phenotype.

7. Heterozygous Advantage: In some cases, heterozygotes may have an advantage in certain environments, known as overdominance. A classic example is the sickle cell trait, where individuals with one sickle cell allele (HbS) and one normal allele (HbA) have resistance to malaria.

8. Understanding Genetic Complexity: Co-dominance helps in understanding the complexity of genetic inheritance and expression, illustrating that not all genetic interactions follow simple dominant-recessive patterns.

9. Implications in Medical Genetics: Co-dominance is important in understanding various genetic conditions and in medical scenarios like blood transfusion and organ transplantation, where matching of co-dominant traits like blood groups is crucial.

Mirabilis jalapa

Mirabilis jalapa, commonly known as the “Four O’Clock Flower,” is a flowering plant that belongs to the Nyctaginaceae family. It is named “Four O’Clock” because its trumpet-shaped flowers usually open in the late afternoon, around 4 o’clock, and remain open throughout the evening. Here are some key points about Mirabilis jalapa in the context of Principles of Inheritance and Variation:

1. Genetic Variability: Mirabilis jalapa is known for its wide range of flower colors, including red, pink, yellow, white, and various bicolor combinations. This variation in flower color is due to genetic factors.

2. Inheritance of Flower Color: The inheritance of flower color in Mirabilis jalapa is controlled by multiple alleles. This means that there are several different versions (alleles) of the gene responsible for flower color.

3. Incomplete Dominance: In some cases, Mirabilis jalapa exhibits incomplete dominance in the inheritance of flower color. This means that when a plant with red flowers (RR) is crossed with a plant with white flowers (WW), the F1 generation may have pink flowers (RW).

4. Co-dominance: In other cases, co-dominance can be observed. For example, if a plant with red flowers (RR) is crossed with a plant with white flowers (WW), the F1 generation may have flowers that show both red and white colors (RW), with neither color dominating the other.

5. Bicolor Flowers: Mirabilis jalapa often produces bicolor flowers, where different parts of the flower have different colors. This variation in flower coloration adds to the plant’s genetic diversity.

6. Environmental Factors: While genetics plays a significant role in determining flower color, environmental factors such as soil pH can also influence the intensity of flower colors in Mirabilis jalapa.

7. Role in Gardening: Mirabilis jalapa is a popular ornamental plant in gardens and is cultivated for its attractive and fragrant flowers. Its genetic diversity allows for the selection of various flower colors, making it a versatile choice for gardeners.

8. Study of Inheritance: Mirabilis jalapa has been used as a model plant in the study of inheritance patterns and the genetics of flower color. It provides insights into the complexity of genetic interactions and the diversity of traits in plants.


Snapdragons (Antirrhinum majus) are a popular flowering plant used in the study of genetics and the principles of inheritance and variation. They belong to the family Plantaginaceae and are known for their distinctive and colorful flowers. Snapdragons have been extensively used in genetic research, and they exhibit various patterns of inheritance, making them an ideal model organism to understand genetic concepts. Here are some key points about snapdragons in the context of principles of inheritance and variation:

1. Flower Color: One of the most well-known traits in snapdragons is flower color. They can have flowers of various colors, including red, pink, white, and yellow. This variation in flower color is controlled by multiple alleles of a single gene, resulting in different phenotypes.

2. Mendelian Inheritance: Snapdragons follow Mendelian principles of inheritance, making them a suitable model for studying genetic patterns. Researchers have used snapdragons to study concepts such as dominance, recessiveness, and allele interactions.

3. Incomplete Dominance: In some cases, snapdragons exhibit incomplete dominance in flower color inheritance. For example, when a plant with red flowers (RR) is crossed with a plant with white flowers (WW), the F1 generation may have pink flowers (RW), demonstrating incomplete dominance.

4. Co-dominance: Snapdragons can also display co-dominance in certain traits. In co-dominance, both alleles are fully expressed in the phenotype. For instance, a cross between a plant with red flowers (RR) and a plant with white flowers (WW) may result in offspring with both red and white patches on the same flower (RW), showing co-dominance.

5. Genetic Diversity: Snapdragons exhibit genetic diversity not only in flower color but also in other traits such as flower shape and size. This diversity allows researchers to explore various genetic interactions.

6. Heterozygous Advantage: In snapdragons, heterozygotes (Rr) for certain traits may have advantages over homozygotes in terms of traits like flower size and vigor, demonstrating the concept of heterozygous advantage.

7. Pedigree Analysis: Snapdragons have been used to create pedigree charts to study the inheritance of traits across generations. These charts help researchers visualize the patterns of inheritance.

8. Educational Tool: Snapdragons are commonly used in educational settings to teach students about genetics and inheritance. Their visible and easily distinguishable traits make them a valuable tool for hands-on learning.

Genetically Controlled Sex Determining Mechanism

In many organisms, including humans, sex is determined by specific genetic mechanisms. There are two primary mechanisms for genetically controlled sex determination:

1. XX-XY System (Gonadal Sex Determination):

In this system, sex is determined by the presence or absence of specific sex chromosomes.

In humans and many mammals, females typically have two X chromosomes (XX), while males have one X and one Y chromosome (XY).

The presence of the Y chromosome leads to the development of male reproductive structures, while the absence of the Y chromosome results in the development of female reproductive structures.

The SRY (Sex-determining Region Y) gene on the Y chromosome plays a critical role in male sex determination.

2. ZZ-ZW System (Gonadal Sex Determination):

This system is found in some animals, including birds, reptiles, and certain species of fish and insects.

In this system, males have two of the same sex chromosomes (ZZ), while females have two different sex chromosomes (ZW).

In birds, for example, males (ZZ) typically produce ZZ sperm, and females (ZW) produce both ZW eggs and WW eggs. The combination of sperm and eggs determines the sex of the offspring.

It’s important to note that the specific genetic mechanisms of sex determination can vary widely among different species. While humans and mammals use the XX-XY system, other organisms employ different systems, including environmental factors or complex genetic interactions. Additionally, some species exhibit genetic diversity in sex determination mechanisms.

Chromosomal Mechanism Of Sex Determination

The chromosomal mechanism of sex determination is a genetic process by which an individual’s sex is determined based on the presence or combination of specific sex chromosomes. This mechanism is primarily observed in organisms with a chromosomal sex-determination system, and it contrasts with environmental sex determination, where factors such as temperature or social conditions influence an individual’s sex.

There are several chromosomal mechanisms of sex determination, and the two most common ones are the XX-XY system and the ZZ-ZW system, which are found in different species:

1. XX-XY System (Gonadal Sex Determination):

In this system, individuals have a pair of sex chromosomes, with one chromosome determining male sex (Y) and the other determining female sex (X).

In humans and many mammals, males have one X and one Y chromosome (XY), while females have two X chromosomes (XX).

The presence of the Y chromosome triggers the development of male reproductive structures, while the absence of the Y chromosome leads to the development of female reproductive structures.

The SRY (Sex-determining Region Y) gene on the Y chromosome plays a crucial role in male sex determination.

2. ZZ-ZW System (Gonadal Sex Determination):

This system is observed in some animals, including birds, reptiles, certain fish species, and some insects.

In this system, males typically have two of the same sex chromosomes (ZZ), while females have two different sex chromosomes (ZW).

The combination of ZZ or ZW determines the sex of the individual.

For example, in birds, males are ZZ, and females are ZW. The specific combination of chromosomes determines whether an individual is male or female.

3. Other Systems:

Some organisms have more complex chromosomal sex determination systems involving multiple sex chromosomes or additional genetic factors.

In some species, sex may be determined by the presence of specific genes on the sex chromosomes or by the dosage of certain genes.