Work Energy And Powerexample Problems Topic

Work, Energy, and Power - Example Problems

Important subtopics and reference to NCERT books:

1. Work:

  • NCERT reference: Class 11, Chapter 6
    • Understanding work as a scalar quantity
    • Calculating work done by constant force [NCERT, Page 106-107]
    • Work done in lifting or pulling an object against gravity [NCERT, Page 107-108]

2. Energy:

  • NCERT reference: Class 11, Chapter 7
    • Different forms of energy [NCERT, Page 113-114]
    • Conservation of energy principle [NCERT, Page 114-116]
    • Energy transfer and efficiency [NCERT, Page 117-119]

3. Power:

  • NCERT reference: Class 11, Chapter 7
    • Definition of power [NCERT, Page 121]
    • Calculating power in different units [NCERT, Page 122-123]
    • Power in mechanical devices [NCERT, Page 123-124]

4. Collisions:

  • NCERT reference: Class 11, Chapter 8
    • Elastic and inelastic collisions [NCERT, Page 132-133]
    • Conservation principles for momentum and energy in collision problems [NCERT, Page 134-136]
    • Impulse and coefficient of restitution [NCERT, Page 136-138]

5. Rotational Motion:

  • NCERT reference: Class 12, Chapter 9
    • Work done in rotating objects [NCERT, Page 183-185]
    • Rotational kinetic energy and potential energy [NCERT, Page 186-188]
    • Conservation of energy and momentum in rotational systems [NCERT, Page 190-192]
    • Rolling motion [NCERT, Page 192-195]