Notes from Toppers

Detailed Notes for Preparation

1. Work Done by a Constant Force:

  • [Reference]: NCERT Physics Class 11, Chapter 6: Work, Energy and Power
  • Example Problem: A force of 10 N is applied to an object, displacing it 20 meters in the same direction. Calculate the work done by the force.

2. Potential Energy:

  • Reference: NCERT Physics Class 11, Chapter 6: Work, Energy and Power
  • Example Problem: A body of mass 10 kg is lifted vertically through a height of 5 meters. Determine the potential energy gained by the body.

3. Work-Energy Theorem:

  • Reference: NCERT Physics Class 11, Chapter 6: Work, Energy and Power
  • Example Problem: A ball of mass 2 kg is thrown vertically upward with an initial velocity of 10 m/s. Calculate the maximum height reached by the ball.

4. Kinetic Energy:

  • Reference: NCERT Physics Class 11, Chapter 6: Work, Energy and Power
  • Example Problem: A car of mass 1000 kg is moving at a speed of 36 km/h. Determine the kinetic energy of the car.

5. Power:

  • Reference: NCERT Physics Class 11, Chapter 6: Work, Energy and Power
  • Example Problem: A machine lifts an object of mass 50 kg to a height of 10 meters in 5 seconds. Calculate the power required by the machine.

6. Collision Problems:

  • Reference: NCERT Physics Class 11, Chapter 7: System of Particles and Rotational Motion
  • Example Problem: A ball of mass 10 kg moving at a velocity of 5 m/s collides with another ball of mass 15 kg initially at rest. Determine the velocities of both balls after the collision, assuming it’s an elastic collision.

7. Inclined Planes and Friction:

  • Reference: NCERT Physics Class 11, Chapter 7: System of Particles and Rotational Motion
  • Example Problem: A block of mass 5 kg is placed on an inclined plane inclined at an angle of 30 degrees. If the coefficient of friction is 0.2, calculate the force required to pull the block up the inclined plane at a constant speed.

8. Simple Harmonic Motion:

  • Reference: NCERT Physics Class 11, Chapter 15: Oscillations
  • Example Problem: A pendulum with a mass of 1 kg is suspended from a string 1 meter long. Determine the period of oscillation of the pendulum.

9. Springs and Hooke’s Law:

  • Reference: NCERT Physics Class 12, Chapter 9: Simple Harmonic Motion and Waves
  • Example Problem: A spring with a spring constant of 100 N/m is stretched by 5 cm. Calculate the work done by the spring.

10. Efficiency and Mechanical Advantage: - Reference: NCERT Physics Class 12, Chapter 4: Moving Charges and Magnetism - Example Problem: A machine with an ideal mechanical advantage of 4 lifts an object of mass 50 kg to a height of 2 meters. If the efficiency of the machine is 50%, calculate the effort force required.

11. Conservation of Energy: - Reference: NCERT Physics Class 11, Chapter 6: Work, Energy and Power - Example Problem: A roller coaster car of mass 1000 kg is released from the top of a hill 50 meters high. Determine the speed of the car at the bottom of the hill.

12. Power in Electrical Circuits: - Reference: NCERT Physics Class 12, Chapter 3: Current Electricity - Example Problem: A circuit with a resistance of 10 ohms is connected to a battery with a voltage of 12 volts. Calculate the power consumed by the circuit.

13. Gravitational Potential Energy: - Reference: NCERT Physics Class 11, Chapter 6: Work, Energy and Power - Example Problem: Determine the gravitational potential energy of a satellite of mass 100 kg orbiting Earth at an altitude of 500 km.

14. Rotational Motion and Work: - Reference: NCERT Physics Class 11, Chapter 7: System of Particles and Rotational Motion - Example Problem: A wheel of radius 0.5 meters rotates with an angular velocity of 10 radians per second. Determine the work done in rotating the wheel through one complete revolution.

Remember to practice a variety of example problems covering these subtopics to strengthen your understanding and problem-solving skills in the Work, Energy, and Power chapter for the JEE exam.

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