Notes from Toppers

The Superposition Principle for Electrostatic Force

NCERT Reference: NCERT Class 12, Chapter-1: Electric Charges and Fields

1. Coulomb’s Law

  • The electrostatic force between two point charges (q_1) and (q_2) separated by a distance (r) is given by:

$$F = k\frac{|q_1q_2|}{r^2}$$

where (k) is the Coulomb constant.

NCERT Reference: NCERT Class 12, Chapter-1: Electric Charges and Fields

2. Electric Field

  • The electric field (\overrightarrow{E}) at a point due to a point charge (q) is given by the formula:

$$\overrightarrow{E} = k\frac{q}{r^2}\hat{r}$$

where (\hat{r}) is the unit vector pointing away from the source charge.

NCERT Reference: NCERT Class 12, Chapter-1: Electric Charges and Fields

3. Electric Potential

  • The electric potential (V) at a point due to a point charge (q) is given by:

$$V = k\frac{q}{r}$$

NCERT Reference: NCERT Class 12, Chapter-1: Electric Charges and Fields

4. Superposition Principle

  • The electric field (\overrightarrow{E}{net}) and electric potential (V{net}) at a point due to multiple point charges ({q_i}) are the vector sum of the individual electric fields and potentials:

$$\overrightarrow{E}{net} = \sum{i=1}^n \overrightarrow{E_i}$$ $$V_{net} = \sum_{i=1}^n V_i$$

NCERT Reference: NCERT Class 12, Chapter-1: Electric Charges and Fields

5. Applications of Superposition Principle

**1.**Calculating the electric field and potential due to a continuous distribution of charge, such as a charged sphere or a charged wire. **2.**Determining the force between two or more charged objects. **3.**Analyzing the behavior of electric fields and electric potentials in different geometrical configurations.

Refer to relevant NCERT chapters and solve practice problems related to Electrostatics to deepen your understanding and application of the superposition principle.