Refraction Of Lightray Optics And Optical Instruments Topic

Notes on Refraction of Light - Ray Optics and Optical Instruments

1. Fundamental Concepts of Refraction

  • Snell’s Law:
    • Relates the angles of incidence and refraction to the refractive indices of the two media.
    • Mathematically expressed as: $$ n_1 \sin\theta_1 = n_2 \sin\theta_2 $$
  • Refractive index (n):
    • Ratio of the speed of light in vacuum to the speed of light in the medium.
    • $n = \frac{c}{v}$
  • Relation between refractive index (n), speed of light (v), and wavelength (λ):
    • $$ v = \frac{c}{n} \text{ and } \lambda = \frac{\lambda_0}{n}$$

2. Refraction through Different Surfaces

  • Plane surface:

    • Deviation produced is independent of the angle of incidence.
    • Refracted ray remains parallel to the incident ray.
  • Spherical surface:

    • Refraction occurs at every point on the surface.
    • Focal length determined by the radius of curvature and the refractive indices.
  • Total Internal Reflection (TIR):

    • Occurs when light strikes a boundary between two media with a higher refractive index to a lower refractive index at an angle greater than the critical angle.
    • Critical angle: $$ \theta_c = \sin^{-1} \left( \frac{n_2}{n_1} \right)$$

3. Lenses and their Characteristics

  • Types of lenses:
    • Convex lens: Converging lens, positive focal length.
    • Concave lens: Diverging lens, negative focal length.
  • Focal length (f):
    • Distance between the optical center and the principal focus of the lens.
    • Determined using the lens maker’s equation: $$ \frac{1}{f} = (n-1) \left( \frac{1}{R_1} - \frac{1}{R_2} \right) $$
  • Lens maker’s equation:
    • Relates the focal length of the lens to the refractive index of the lens material and the radii of curvature of its surfaces.

4. Image Formation and Ray Diagrams

  • Ray diagrams:
    • Essential tool for understanding image formation.
    • Illustrate the path of light rays through the lens and help determine image location and characteristics.
  • Image formation by lenses:
    • Real images: Formed by the convergence of light rays after passing through the lens.
    • Virtual images: Formed by the divergence of light rays that appear to originate from the lens.
  • Image distance and magnification:
    • Image distance (v): Distance between the lens and the image.
    • Magnification (m): Ratio of the image height to the object height. $$m = \frac{h_i}{h_0} = -\frac{v}{u} $$
  • Lateral magnification:
    • Ratio of the image width to the object width. Describes the change in the size of the image in the horizontal direction.

5. Aberrations in Lenses

  • Spherical aberration:
    • Occurs due to the variation of focal length with the distance from the optical axis.
    • Results in images with blurred edges.
  • Chromatic aberration:
    • Occurs due to the variation of refractive index with wavelength.
    • Results in images with colored fringes.
  • Methods to minimize aberrations:
    • Using a diaphragm to reduce the effective aperture.
    • Using lenses made of special optical glasses that have low dispersion.

6. Optical Instruments

  • Simple microscope:
    • Consists of a single convex lens.
    • Magnifying power: $$ M = 1 + \frac{D}{f} $$
  • Compound microscope:
    • Consists of an objective lens and an eyepiece lens.
    • Magnifying power: $$ M = m_0 \times m_e = \frac{L}{(f_o + d)} \times \frac{D}{f_e} $$
  • Reflecting telescope:
    • Uses mirrors to gather and focus light.
    • Magnifying power: $$ M = \frac{f_0}{f_e} $$
  • Refracting telescope:
    • Uses lenses to gather and focus light.
    • Magnifying power: $$ M = \frac{f_0}{f_e} $$
  • Prisms and their uses:
    • Prisms can disperse white light into a spectrum.
    • Used in prism spectrometers to measure wavelengths of light.

7. Wave Optics vs. Ray Optics

  • Limitations of ray optics:
    • Ray optics assumes light travels in straight lines, which is not entirely true.
    • Fails to explain interference, diffraction, and polarization of light.
  • Introduction to wave optics:
    • Considers the wave nature of light.
    • Explains interference, diffraction, and polarization of light.


  • The NCERT books for class 11th and 12th cover all the topics and concepts mentioned above.
  • For a comprehensive preparation for the JEE exam, it is recommended to thoroughly understand the concepts, solve related numerical problems and practice drawing accurate ray diagrams.