Notes from Toppers

Electrostatics - JEE Topper’s Notes

I. Electric Charge

  • Coulomb’s Law (NCERT Class 12, Chapter 1)
    • Definition and mathematical expression
    • Coulomb’s constant
    • Application to point charges in various configurations
  • Electric Field (NCERT Class 12, Chapter 1)
    • Definition and concept of electric field lines
    • Electric field due to point charges, charged spheres, cylinders, and planes
    • Electric field lines vs. equipotential lines
  • Electric Potential (NCERT Class 12, Chapter 1)
    • Definition and mathematical expression
    • Calculating the electric potential for various charge distributions
    • Relationship between electric field and electric potential
  • Gauss’s Law (NCERT Class 12, Chapter 1)
    • Statement and mathematical expression
    • Application to various simple and symmetric charge distributions
    • Gauss’s law as a tool for simplifying electric field calculations

II. Electrostatics of Conductors

  • Electrostatic Induction (NCERT Class 12, Chapter 2)
    • Charge distribution on conductors
    • Induced charges, positive and negative charges
  • Capacitors (NCERT Class 12, Chapter 2)
    • Definition and working principle
    • Parallel plate capacitor, cylindrical capacitor, and spherical capacitor
    • Capacitance, factors affecting capacitance
    • Capacitors in series and parallel

III. Dielectric Materials

  • Polarization (NCERT Class 12, Chapter 2)
    • Induced polarization in dielectric materials
    • Types of polarization: electronic, ionic, and dipole
  • Dielectric Constant (NCERT Class 12, Chapter 2)
    • Definition and significance
    • Relation between dielectric constant and electric field
    • Effect of dielectric materials on capacitance

IV. Electric Field and Potential in Various Geometries

  • Point Charge (NCERT Class 12, Chapter 1)
    • Derivation of electric field and potential for a point charge
  • Charged Sphere (NCERT Class 12, Chapter 2)
    • Electric field and potential inside and outside the sphere
  • Charged Cylinder (NCERT Class 12, Chapter 2)
    • Electric field and potential inside and outside the cylinder
  • Charged Plane (NCERT Class 12, Chapter 2)
    • Electric field and potential in front of and behind the plane
  • Charged Parallel Plates (NCERT Class 12, Chapter 2)
    • Uniform electric field, potential between the plates
    • Capacitance of parallel plate capacitor

V. Electrostatic Energy and Work

  • Electric Energy Stored in a Capacitor (NCERT Class 12, Chapter 2)
    • Expression for energy stored
    • Energy density
  • Work Done in Moving Charges in an Electric Field (NCERT Class 12, Chapter 1)
    • Work done by external forces and by electric field
    • Potential difference as work done per unit charge

VI. Electrostatic Potential Energy and Potential

  • Potential Energy of a System of Charges (NCERT Class 12, Chapter 1)
    • Expression for potential energy of a system of point charges
    • Calculating potential energy using superposition principle
  • Electrostatic Potential (NCERT Class 12, Chapter 1)
    • Definition and significance
    • Calculation of electrostatic potential
    • Electrostatic potential and potential energy: the connection

VII. Applications of Electrostatics

  • Van de Graaff Generator (NCERT Class 12, Chapter 2)
    • Principle and construction of the Van de Graaff generator
    • Applications and practical uses
  • Electrostatic Precipitator (N