Human Physiology-Locomotion And Movement Topic

Human Physiology - Locomotion and Movement

Detailed Notes for JEE Preparation

Introduction to Locomotion:

  • Define locomotion as the movement of an organism from one place to another.
  • Explain its significance in human physiology, including the ability to perform daily activities, explore the environment, and interact with others.

Types of Locomotion:

  • Describe different types of locomotion in humans:
    • Walking: Bipedal gait with sequential footfalls.
    • Running: Bipedal gait with aerial phase.
    • Jumping: Propelling the body vertically.
    • Climbing: Using limbs and body strength to ascend or descend.
  • Discuss the adaptations in the skeletal and muscular systems for these types of locomotion.

Skeletal System:


  • Describe the structure of a long bone, including epiphysis, diaphysis, medullary cavity, periosteum, and articular cartilage. (Ref: NCERT Biology Class 11, Ch 19, “Skeletal System”)
  • Explain the functions of bones, such as support, protection, storage, and movement.
  • Understand the process of bone formation (ossification) and bone growth.


  • Classify joints based on structure and movement:
    • Fibrous: Immovable, e.g., skull sutures.
    • Cartilaginous: Slightly movable, e.g., intervertebral discs.
    • Synovial: Freely movable, e.g., knee joint.
  • Describe the structure of a synovial joint, including articular cartilage, synovial fluid, ligaments, and tendons. (Ref: NCERT Biology Class 11, Ch 19, “Structure of a Synovial Joint”)

Muscular System:

Skeletal Muscles:

  • Explain the structure of skeletal muscle, including muscle fibers, myofilaments, and sarcomeres. (Ref: NCERT Biology Class 11, Ch 18, “Structural Organization of Skeletal Muscles”)
  • Describe the mechanism of muscle contraction, involving the sliding filament model, role of calcium, and energy requirements.

Muscle Physiology:

  • Understand the physiological processes during muscle contraction:
    • Excitation-contraction coupling.
    • Role of calcium ions in triggering contraction.
    • Cross-bridge formation between actin and myosin.
    • Energy requirements and ATP hydrolysis.

Types of Muscles:

Skeletal Muscles:

  • Describe the structure, location, and functions of skeletal muscles. (Ref: NCERT Biology Class 11, Ch 18, “Types of Muscles”)

Smooth Muscles:

  • Explain the characteristics and functions of smooth muscles, found in internal organs and blood vessels.

Cardiac Muscles:

  • Understand the unique features and functions of cardiac muscles in the heart.

Biomechanics of Movement:

  • Apply the principles of biomechanics to analyze human movement:
    • Force: Analyze the forces acting on the body during movement, including gravity, friction, and muscular forces.
    • Velocity and acceleration: Calculate and graph the velocity and acceleration of body segments during movement.
    • Leverage: Understand the mechanical advantage provided by joints and the role of muscles in generating force.

Gait Analysis:

  • Define gait as a sequence of footfalls during walking or running.
  • Describe the different phases of gait: stance, swing, and double support.
  • Analyze abnormal gait patterns, such as antalgic gait, and their implications.

Neural Control of Movement:

  • Discuss the role of the nervous system in controlling movement, including:
    • Central Nervous System (CNS): Brain and spinal cord.
    • Peripheral Nervous System (PNS): Sensory receptors and motor neurons.
  • Explain the pathways involved in motor coordination, balance, and reflexes.

Common Musculoskeletal Disorders:

  • Understand the causes, symptoms, and treatment options for common musculoskeletal disorders:
    • Arthritis: Inflammation of joints.
    • Osteoporosis: Bone loss and weakening.
    • Muscle strains: Overstretching or tearing of muscle fibers.

Physiological Adaptations for Movement:

  • Explore the physiological changes that occur in response to physical activity and training:
    • Increased muscle mass (hypertrophy).
    • Improved muscle endurance and strength.
    • Increased flexibility and range of motion.
    • Enhanced cardiovascular function and oxygen delivery.

Sports Physiology:

  • Analyze the physiological factors affecting sports performance:
    • Muscle power and endurance.
    • Energy metabolism and fuel utilization.
    • Recovery and regeneration after exercise.

By mastering these subtopics and referring to the recommended NCERT textbooks, you can build a strong foundation in Human Physiology - Locomotion and Movement for success in the JEE exam.