Genetics And Evolutionmolecular Basis Of Inheritance Topic

Molecular Basis of Inheritance 📝

1. Structure of DNA and RNA

  • DNA Structure:

  • Composition: Deoxyribonucleic acid(DNA) consist of deoxyribose sugar, phosphate group and nitrogenous bases adenine(A), thymine(T), cytosine (C) and guanine(G).

  • Double helix: DNA forms a double-stranded helix structure connected by hydrogen bonds between nucleotide bases. -Base pairing: A pairs with T, while C pairs with G, following the Chargaff’s rule.

  • Types of RNA:

  • Messenger RNA(mRNA): Carries genetic information from DNA to ribosomes for proteins synthesis.

  • Transfer RNA(tRNA): Brings specific amino acids to the ribosome based on the mRNA codon during protein synthesis.

  • Ribosomal RNA(rRNA): Essential components of ribosomes, catalyzing peptide bond formation during translation.

2. DNA Replication

  • The process by which DNA duplicates itself before cell division.

  • Key steps:

    • Initiation: Begins at specific origin sites of DNA.
    • Elongation: DNA polymerases enzyme add complementary nucleotides to the growing strands, following the base pairing rules.
    • Termination: Reaches specific termination sequences, signalling the end of replication.

3. Transcription

  • The process of synthesizing RNA molecules using DNA as the template.

  • Key steps:

  • Initiation: RNA polymerase enzyme binds to the promoter region of DNA.

  • Elongation: RNA polymerase synthesizes mRNA following the base pairing rules, reading the DNA template from the 5’ (promoter) end towards the 3’ end (terminator).

  • Termination: Transcription stops at specific termination signals.

4. Translation

  • The process of synthesizing proteins based on the information carried by mRNA.

  • Key steps:

    • Initiation: Ribosome binds to mRNA at the start codon (usually AUG).
    • Elongation: tRNA, with specific amino acids, bind to the mRNA codon, facilitated by the ribosome. Peptide bonds form between successive amino acids.
    • Termination: Reaches a stop codon, signalling the end of translation.

5. Gene Expression

  • Regulation of gene expression allows cells to control when and where proteins are made.

  • Mechanisms:

  • Transcriptional: Control gene expression at the level of transcription.

  • Translational: Control gene expression by regulating the initiation and elongation steps of translation.

  • Post-translational: Control gene expression by modifying proteins after their synthesis.

6. Mutations

  • Changes in the DNA sequence, can be caused by errors in DNA replication or exposure to mutagens.

  • Types:

  • Substitutions: Replacement of one nucleotide with another.

  • Insertions: Insertion of additional nucleotide(s) into the sequence.

  • Deletions: Removal of one nucleotide(s) from the sequence.

  • Frameshift: Insertion or deletion that alters the reading frame, leading to incorrect amino acid sequence.

7. Genetic Code

  • The set of rules that determines how nucleotide triplets (codons) in mRNA correspond to specific amino acids during translation.

  • Properties:

  • 64 codons: Three stop codons (UAA, UAG, and UGA) signals the end of translation, while the remaining 61 codons specify amino acids.

  • Degenerate: Multiple codons can code for the same amino acids.

  • Wobble hypothesis: Some tRNA contain modified nucleotides that can recognize multiple codons.

8. DNA Repair Mechanisms

  • Cellular mechanisms that identify and repair damages in DNA.

  • Types:

    • Base excision repair: Repairs damages like oxidized or methylated bases.
    • Nucleotide excision repair: Removes damaged nucleotides along with surrounding nucleotides.
    • Mismatch repair: Corrects errors during DNA replication.

9. Recombination

  • Process of exchanging genetic material between homologous chromosomes during meiosis.

  • Types: -Crossing-over: Exchange of genetic material between non-sister chromatids. -Gene conversion: Non-reciprocal transfer of genetic material from one chromosome to its homologue.

10. Transposable Elements

  • Mobile DNA sequences that can insert and excise themselves within the genome.

  • Types:

    • Class I (retrotransposons): Transcribe RNA before inserting a copy into the DNA genome.
    • Class II (DNA transposons): Directly insert itself into the DNA genome without an RNA intermediary.

11. Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering

  • Applications of genetic engineering and recombinant DNA technology.

  • Techniques:

  • Gel electrophoresis: Separates nucleic acids or protein fragments by size.

  • Recombinant DNA technology: Combines DNA from different organism, creating recombinant molecules

  • Gene cloning: Isolates and amplifies specific genes for study or application.

12. Human Genetics

  • Study of genes and inheritance in human.

  • Key topics:

    • Mendelian inheritance: Inheritance of traits following Mendelian principles.
    • Linkage analysis: Studying how genes located close together on a chromosome are inherited together.
    • Genetic counseling: Providing information and support to individuals and families affected by genetic disorders.

13. Evolution at the Molecular Level

  • Use molecular data to understand evolutionary relationships and processes.

  • Techniques: Comparative genomics: Compares the DNA sequences of different species.

  • Molecular clocks: Utilizes the rate of mutation accumulation in DNA to estimate the divergence time between species.

  • Analysis of genetic variation: Studies the genetic variation within populations.

14. Phylogenetics

  • Study of evolutionary relationships among species.

  • Key concepts:

  • Construction of phylogenetic trees based on molecular data

  • Analysis of branching patterns and divergence times

  • Inferring evolutionary history and common ancestor.


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