Diamagneticparamagnetic And Ferromagnetic Materialsmagnetic Field Of The Earth Topic

Diamagnetic- Paramagnetic and Ferromagnetic Materials - Magnetic Field of the Earth

1. Diamagnetic Materials:

  • Concept of Diamagnetism: Materials that exhibit repulsion from a magnetic field due to the absence of unpaired electrons and the creation of a counteracting field.

Reference: NCERT Class 12, Chapter 6 - Magnetic Effects of Current and Magnetism, pages 231-233.

  • Examples and Applications:
    • Bismuth: Diamagnetic metal used in medical imaging and high-temperature superconductors.
    • Copper: Diamagnetic metal utilized in electrical wiring, electronics, and jewelry.
    • Graphite: Diamagnetic carbon material employed in pencils, lubricants, and high-temperature applications.

2. Paramagnetic Materials:

  • Concept of Paramagnetism: Materials that exhibit weak attraction to a magnetic field due to the presence of unpaired electrons and their alignment with the external field.

Reference: NCERT Class 12, Chapter 6 - Magnetic Effects of Current and Magnetism, pages 233-235.

  • Properties and Characteristics:

    • Susceptibility: Quantifies the degree of magnetization of a paramagnetic material in response to an external field.
    • Magnetic Moment: Represents the strength of the magnetic dipole created by the unpaired electrons.
  • Examples:

    • Oxygen: Paramagnetic gas essential for respiration and combustion.
    • Aluminum: Paramagnetic metal used in various industries, such as aerospace, construction, and automotive.
    • Sodium Chloride (NaCl): Paramagnetic compound commonly known as table salt.

3. Ferromagnetic Materials

  • Phenomenon of Ferromagnetism: Materials that exhibit strong and permanent attraction to a magnetic field due to the alignment of magnetic domains and exchange interactions.

Reference: NCERT Class 12, Chapter 6 - Magnetic Effects of Current and Magnetism, pages 235-239.

  • Hysteresis Loop:

    • Graphical representation of the relationship between magnetic field strength (H) and magnetization (M) in a ferromagnetic material.
    • Exhibits hysteresis, indicating energy losses during the magnetization and demagnetization processes.
  • Curie Temperature:

    • Temperature at which the ferromagnetic properties of a material cease, and it transforms into a paramagnetic state.

4. Earth’s Magnetic Field:

  • Generation of Earth’s Magnetic Field:
    • Geodynamo: Continuous movement of molten iron in the Earth’s outer core generates electric currents, creating the Earth’s magnetic field.

Reference: NCERT Class 11, Chapter 13 - Magnetic Effects of Electric Current, pages 393-394.

  • Earth’s Magnetic Field Lines:

    • Imaginary lines that represent the direction and strength of the Earth’s magnetic field at different locations.
    • Magnetic Poles: Points where the field lines converge, approximately aligning with the geographic poles.
  • Magnetic Declination and Dip:

    • Magnetic Declination: Angle between the geographic north and the direction indicated by a compass needle.
    • Magnetic Dip: Angle between the Earth’s magnetic field lines and the horizontal plane.

5. Magnetic Properties of Materials:

  • Comparison of Magnetic Behaviors:

    • Diamagnetic materials exhibit weak repulsion, paramagnetic materials have weak attraction, and ferromagnetic materials have strong attraction to magnetic fields.
  • Electronic Structure and Atomic Arrangements:

    • Diamagnetism is due to the symmetrical electron pairing, paramagnetism arises from unpaired electrons, and ferromagnetism results from the alignment of unpaired electrons in domains.
  • Measurement of Magnetic Properties:

    • Gaussmeter: Measures the strength of a magnetic field.
    • Vibrating Sample Magnetometer (VSM): Determines the magnetization of a material by vibrating it in a magnetic field.