NEET Solved Paper 2019 Question 31

Question: A parallel plate capacitor of capacitance 20 $ \mu F $ is being charged by a voltage source whose potential is changing at the rate of 3 V/s. The conduction current through the connecting wires, and the displacement current through the plates of the capacitor, would be, respectively: [NEET 5-5-2019]


A) 60 $ \mu A $ , zero

B) zero, zero

C) zero, 60 $ \mu A $

D) 60 $ \mu A $ , 60 $ \mu A $

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Correct Answer: D


Displacement current $ i=C\frac{dV}{dt} $

$ =20\times 10^{6}\times 3 $

$ =60\mu A $ in circuit displacement current = conductor current.