NEET Solved Paper 2018 Question 82

Question: Which of the following terms describe human dentition? [NEET - 2018]


A) Pleurodont, Monophyodont, Homodont

B) Thecodont, Diphyodont, Heterodont

C) Thecodont, Diphyodont, Homodont

D) Pleurodont, Diphyodont, Heterodont

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Correct Answer: B


  • In humans, dentition is Thecodont: Teeth are present in the sockets of the jaw bone called alveoli. Diphyodont: Teeth erupts twice, temporary milk or deciduous teeth are replaced by a set of permanent or adult teeth. Heterodont dentition: Dentition consists of different types of teeth namely incisors, canine, premolars and molars.