Semiconductor Electronics Materials Devices and Simple Circuits - Result Question 79

81. The current gain for a transistor working as common-base amplifier is 0.96 . If the emitter current is $7.2 mA$, then the base current is

(a) $0.29 mA$

(b) $0.35 mA$

(c) $0.39 mA$

(d) $0.43 mA$


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Correct Answer: 81. (a)


  1. (a) Current gain $(\alpha)=0.96$

$I_e=7.2 mA$


$I_c=0.96 \times 7.2 mA=6.91 mA$


$\stackrel{e}{\Rightarrow} I_b^{c}=I_e-I_c=7.2-6.91=0.29 mA$

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