Ray Optics and Optical Instruments - Result Question 68

72. The magnifying power of a telescope is 9 . When it is adjusted for parallel rays the distance between the objective and eyepiece is $20 cm$. The focal length of lenses are :

(a) $10 cm, 10 cm$

(b) $15 cm, 5 cm$

(c) $18 cm, 2 cm$

(d) $11 cm, 9 cm$


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Correct Answer: 72. (c)


(c) M.P. $=9=\frac{f_0}{f_e}$

$\Rightarrow f_0=9 f_e$


on solving

$f_0=18 cm=$ focal length of the objective

$f_e=2 cm=$ focal length of the eyepiece

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