Motion in a Plane - Result Question 10

12. The vector sum of two forces is perpendicular to their vector differences. In that case, the forces


(a) cannot be predicted

(b) are equal to each other

(c) are equal to each other in magnitude

(d) are not equal to each other in magnitude

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Correct Answer: 12. (c)


  1. (c) $\vec{P}=$ vector sum $=\vec{A}+\vec{B}$

$\vec{Q}=$ Vector differences $=\vec{A}-\vec{B}$

Since $\vec{P}$ and $\vec{Q}$ are perpendicular

$\therefore \vec{P} \cdot \vec{Q}=0 \Rightarrow(\vec{A}+\vec{B}) \cdot(\vec{A}-\vec{B})=0$

$\Rightarrow A^{2}=B^{2} \Rightarrow|\vec{A}|=|\vec{B}|$

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