Alternating Current - Result Question 22

22. In the given circuit the reading of voltmeter $V_1$ and $V_2$ are 300 volts each. The reading of the voltmeter $V_3$ and ammeter $A$ are respectively


(a) $150 V, 2.2 A$

(b) $220 V, 2.2 A$

(c) $220 V, 2.0 A$

(d) $100 V, 2.0 A$

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Correct Answer: 22. (b)


  1. (b) As $V_L=V_C=300 V$, resonance will take place

$\therefore \quad V_R=220 V$

Current, $I=\frac{220}{100}=2.2 A$

$\therefore$ reading of $V_3=220 V$

and reading of $A=2.2 A$

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