Thermodynamics and Thermochemistry 1 Question 64

67. $C_{V}$ value of He is always $\frac{3 R}{2}$ but $C_{V}$ value of $\mathrm{H}_{2}$ is $\frac{3 R}{2}$ at low temperature and $\frac{5 R}{2}$ at moderate temperature and more than $\frac{5 R}{2}$ at higher temperature. Explain in two or three lines.

(2003, 2M)

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  1. He is monatomic, so it has only three degree of freedom (translational only) at all temperature hence, $C_{V}$ value is always $\frac{3}{2} R$.

Hydrogen molecule is diatomic, has three translational, two rotational and one vibrational degree of freedom. The energy spacing between adjacent levels are in the order of :

$$ \text { translational }<\text { rotational }<\text { vibrational } $$

At lower temperature only translational degree of freedom contribute to heat capacity while at higher temperature rotational and vibrational degree of freedom starts contributing to heat capacity.