Nuclear Chemistry - Result Question 7

####10. Carbon - 14 dating method is based on the fact that:


(a) $C$-14 fraction is same in all objects

(b) $C$-14 is highly insoluble

(c) Ratio of carbon-14 and carbon-12 is constant

(d) all the above

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  1. (c) By carbon dating method

Age of wood $=\frac{2.303}{0.693} \times t _{1 / 2} \log (\frac{N_0}{N})$ $[\frac{\text{ ratio of } C^{14} / C^{12} \text{ in living wood }}{\text{ ratio of } C^{14} / C^{12} \text{ in dead wood }}]$

Hence, it is based upon the ratio of $C^{14}$ and $C^{12}$.

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