Hydrocarbons - Result Question 54

####56. The IUPAC name of the compound $CH_3 CH=CHC \equiv CH$ is


(a) Pent-1-yn-3-ene

(b) Pent-4-yn-2-ene

(c) Pent-3-en-1-yne

(d) Pent-2-en-4-yne

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  1. (c) When double and triple, both bonds are present, then ’lowest set of locants’ rule will decide the IUPAC name.

$ \underset{5}{1} \underset{4}{C} H_3-\stackrel{2}{C} H=\underset{3}{C} H-\stackrel{4}{C} \equiv \underset{2}{5} \underset{1}{C} H \quad \text{ (incorrect) } $

Hence, the correct name will be pent-3-en-1-yne.

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