Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure - Result Question 67

####68. Which of the following has $p _{\pi}-d _{\pi}$ bonding?

(a) $NO_3^{-}$

(c) $BO_3^{3-}$

(b) $SO_3{ }^{2-}$

(d) $CO_3^{2-}$


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  1. (b) In $SO_3^{-2}$

$ O _{\sigma}^{-\pi} S \frac{\sigma}{\stackrel{\sigma}{\sigma} O^{-}} O^{-} $

$S$ is $s p^{3}$ hybridised, so

$ _{16} S=1 s^{2} 2 s^{2} 2 p^{6} \underbrace{3 s^{2} 3 p_x^{1} 3 p_y^{1} 3 p_z^{1}} _{s p^{3} \text{ hybridisation }} \underbrace{3 d _{x y}^{1}} _{\text{unhybride }} $

In ‘S’ unhybride $d$-orbital is present, which will involved in $\pi$ bond formation with oxygen atom.

$ _8 O=1 s^{2} 2 s^{2} 2 p_x^{2} 2 p_y^{1} 2 p_z^{1} $

In oxygen two unpaired $p$-orbital is present in these one is involved in $\sigma$ bond formation while other is used in $\pi$ bond formation

Thus in $SO_3^{2-}$, p $\pi$ and $d \pi$ orbitals are involved for $p \pi-d \pi$ bonding.

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