Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure - Result Question 58
####59. The correct order of increasing bond angles in the following triatomic species is :
(a) $NO_2^{-}<NO_2^{+}<NO_2$
(b) $NO_2^{-}<NO_2<NO_2^{+}$
(c) $NO_2^{+}<NO_2<NO_2^{-}$
(d) $NO_2^{+}<NO_2^{-}<NO$
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- (b) From the structure of three species we can determine the number of lone pair electrons on central atom (i.e. $N$ atom) and thus the bond angle.
We know that higher the number of lone pair of electron on central atom, greater is the lp $-1 p$ repulsion between Nitrogen and oxygen atoms. Thus smaller is bond angle.
The correct order of bond angle is
$ NO_2^{-}<NO_2<\stackrel{+}{N} O_2 $