Biomolecules and Chemistry in Everyday Life 1 Question 21

23. The correct statement about the following disaccharide is




(a) Ring (a) is pyranose with $\alpha$-glycosidic link

(b) Ring (a) is furanose with $\alpha$-glycosidic link

(c) Ring (b) is furanose with $\alpha$-glycosidic link

(d) Ring (b) is pyranose with $\beta$-glycosidic link

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  1. The six-membered cyclic ether is known as pyranose while the five membered cyclic ether is known as furanose. Hence, ring (a) is a pyranose and it has ether linkage at $\alpha$-position that is known as $\alpha$-glycosidic linkage in carbohydrate chemistry.