Sexual Reproduction in Flowering Plants Question 104

104. Dry indehiscent single-seeded fruit formed from bicarpellary syncarpous inferior ovary is

(a) Caryopsis

(b) Cypsela

(c) Berry

(d) Cremocarp

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Answer : b

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(b) Dry indehiscent single-seeded fruit formed from bicarpellary syncarpous inferior ovary is cypsela. Cypsela is also called inferior, false or pseudocarpic achene, the thin fruit wall (developed from pericarp and thalamus) is attached to the seed at one point but the fruits develops from an inferior, unilocular and uniovuled ovary, e.g., sunflower, marigold. Some cypsela develop pappus for dispersal e.g. Soncus, Taraxacum.

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