Molecular Basis of Inheritance Question 125

125. The diagram shows an important concept in the genetic implication of DNA. Fill in the blanks A to $C$.

[NEET 2013 $\xrightarrow{\text{ DNA }} \xrightarrow{A} mRNA \xrightarrow{B}$ protein $\xrightarrow[C]{\text{ Proposed by }}$

(a) A-translation B - transciption C-Erwin Chargaff

(b) A-transcription B - translation C-Francis Crick

(c) A-translation B - extension C-Rosalind Franklin

(d) A-transcription B - replication C-James Watson

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Answer : b

Hints & Solution

(b) In this question A is transcription, B - translation and $C$ is Francis Crick (central dogma) It is unidirectional flow of information from DNA to mRNA (transcription) and then decoding the information present in mRNA in the formation of polypeptide chain or protein (translation).

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