Strategies For Enhancement in Food Production Exercise 09


Name the methods employed in animal breeding. According to you which of the methods is best? Why?


  1. Methods employed in animal breeding include artificial selection, hybridization, inbreeding, crossbreeding, outbreeding, and selection for specific traits.

  2. The best method for animal breeding depends on the purpose of the breeding. For example, if the goal is to increase genetic diversity, then outbreeding or crossbreeding may be the best option. If the goal is to increase the frequency of a desired trait, then artificial selection or selection for specific traits may be the best option.


Which part of the plant is best suited for making virus-free plants and why?


  1. The best part of the plant to use for making virus-free plants is the meristem, because it is a tissue composed of undifferentiated cells that can be used to propagate plants without the risk of viruses or diseases.

  2. Meristem tissue can be used to create clones of plants, which are exact genetic copies of the original plant, and therefore do not contain any viruses or diseases that the original plant may have been exposed to.

  3. Additionally, meristem tissue can be used to create transgenic plants, which are plants that have been genetically modified to be resistant to certain viruses or diseases. This is done by introducing genes from other organisms into the meristem tissue, which can then be used to create virus-free plants.


What is meant by the term ‘Breed’? What are the objectives of animal breeding?


Answer: The term ‘Breed’ refers to a group of animals that share certain characteristics and traits due to their common ancestry. The objective of animal breeding is to improve the characteristics of a given breed by selectively breeding animals with desirable traits in order to produce offspring with those desired traits. This includes selecting animals with desirable physical characteristics, such as size, color, and temperament, as well as selecting animals with desirable genetic traits, such as disease and pest resistance. Animal breeding can also be used to create new breeds of animals with specific characteristics.


What is apiculture? How is it important in our lives?


  1. Apiculture is the practice of beekeeping for the purpose of collecting honey and other products from honeybees.

  2. Apiculture is important in our lives because it provides us with a sustainable source of honey, as well as other products such as beeswax, pollen, and propolis. Additionally, honeybees are important pollinators of many of the fruits, vegetables, and other crops that we rely on for food. Apiculture also helps to support the health of local ecosystems by providing an important food source for other wildlife.


Explain biofortification.


  1. Biofortification is a process of increasing the nutritional value of food crops through agronomic practices.

  2. It is a form of sustainable agriculture that uses traditional breeding techniques to improve the nutritional content of food crops.

  3. This process is used to increase the availability of essential vitamins and minerals, such as iron, zinc, and vitamin A, which are often lacking in the diets of people in developing countries.

  4. Biofortification seeks to improve the health of vulnerable populations by providing them with access to a more nutritious food supply.

  5. Biofortified crops are developed through selective breeding, genetic engineering, and other techniques to increase the levels of essential micronutrients in the plant.

  6. These crops can then be grown and harvested in the same way as other crops, providing a more nutritious source of food for people in need.


If your family owned a dairy farm, what measures would you undertake to improve the quality and quantity of milk production?


  1. Invest in modern farming equipment and technology to increase efficiency and productivity.

  2. Implement a comprehensive animal health plan to ensure the cows are healthy and producing quality milk.

  3. Implement a good nutrition and feeding program to ensure the cows are getting the proper nutrients to produce quality milk.

  4. Monitor the cows’ health and production regularly to ensure the cows are healthy and producing good quality milk.

  5. Implement a waste management system to reduce the amount of waste produced by the farm.

  6. Invest in proper storage facilities for the milk, to ensure the quality and quantity of the milk is maintained.

  7. Invest in marketing and branding to increase sales and demand for the farm’s milk.


Find out what the various components of the medium used for propagation of an explant in vitro are?


Step 1: Research the term “explant in vitro” to gain an understanding of the process.

Step 2: Read about the process of explant in vitro to gain an understanding of the components of the medium used for propagation.

Step 3: Make a list of the components of the medium used for propagation of an explant in vitro.

Step 4: Research each component of the medium to gain an understanding of its role in the propagation process.


What is the major advantage of producing plants by micropropagation?


  1. Micropropagation is a method of producing plants from tissue cultures.

  2. The major advantage of producing plants by micropropagation is that it allows for a large number of genetically identical plants to be produced quickly and efficiently. This process is faster than traditional propagation methods, and it also helps to reduce the risk of introducing diseases or pests into the environment. Additionally, micropropagation allows for the mass production of plants with desired characteristics, such as disease resistance or improved yields.


Discuss the role of fishery in enhancement of food production.


Step 1: Understand the definition of fishery. A fishery is an area where fish and other aquatic life are harvested for human consumption.

Step 2: Research the importance of fisheries in food production. Fisheries provide a major source of protein for people around the world, and are an important part of the global food system.

Step 3: Consider the various ways in which fisheries can enhance food production. Fisheries can increase the availability of seafood, which is a nutritious and sustainable source of food. They can also help to reduce pressure on other food sources, such as land-based agriculture.

Step 4: Analyze the impact of fisheries on food production. Fisheries can help to improve food security by providing a reliable source of food and reducing pressure on other sources. They can also help to reduce the environmental impact of food production by providing a sustainable source of protein.

Step 5: Draw conclusions about the role of fisheries in food production. Fisheries can play an important role in enhancing food production by providing a reliable and sustainable source of protein. They can help to improve food security and reduce the environmental impact of food production.


Name any five hybrid varieties of crop plants which have been developed in India.


  1. Pusa Basmati-1 (Rice)
  2. Pusa Mahsuri (Rice)
  3. Pusa Sharbati (Wheat)
  4. Pusa Jyoti (Maize)
  5. Pusa Sugandh-3 (Mustard)


Explain in brief the role of animal husbandry in human welfare.


  1. Animal husbandry is a practice that involves the breeding and care of animals, such as livestock and poultry, for the purpose of producing food, fiber, and other products.

  2. Animal husbandry plays an important role in human welfare by providing food, clothing, and other products. It also helps to maintain the balance of nature by providing a source of renewable energy, helping to reduce soil erosion, and providing a source of manure for fertilizing crops.

  3. Animal husbandry also helps to reduce poverty and hunger by providing employment opportunities and economic benefits to rural communities. It also helps to preserve animal biodiversity by protecting endangered species and promoting the conservation of their habitats.

  4. Finally, animal husbandry plays an important role in promoting animal welfare by providing adequate care and nutrition for animals, and by ensuring that they are not abused or neglected.


Briefly describe various steps involved in plant breeding.


  1. Selection: Selecting the best individuals from a population for breeding based on desired traits.

  2. Cross-Pollination: Crossing two different varieties of a plant to produce a hybrid with desired characteristics.

  3. Isolation: Isolating the hybrid from other varieties to prevent contamination of the gene pool.

  4. Evaluation: Evaluating the hybrid for desired traits and characteristics.

  5. Selection: Selecting the best individuals from the hybrid population for further breeding.

  6. Recombination: Crossing the selected individuals to produce new varieties with desired traits.

  7. Testing: Testing the new varieties in different environments to ensure that they are suitable for cultivation.

  8. Release: Releasing the new varieties to the public for commercial cultivation.