Environmental Issues Exercise 16


What measures, as an individual, you would take to reduce environmental pollution?


  1. Reduce the use of single-use plastics and switch to reusable materials instead.
  2. Avoid using chemical-based products for cleaning and opt for natural alternatives instead.
  3. Reduce the use of fossil fuels and switch to renewable energy sources such as solar or wind power.
  4. Recycle and compost as much as possible.
  5. Plant trees and other plants to help absorb carbon dioxide.
  6. Drive less and walk or bike more.
  7. Reduce water consumption.
  8. Support local businesses that use environmentally friendly practices.
  9. Educate others about the importance of reducing environmental pollution.


What are the various constituents of domestic sewage? Discuss the effects of sewage discharge on a river.


  1. Constituents of Domestic Sewage: Domestic sewage typically consists of organic and inorganic waste materials, including human waste, food waste, laundry waste, cleaning products, detergents, oils, and other chemicals.

  2. Effects of Sewage Discharge on a River: Sewage discharge can have a number of negative effects on a river. It can cause eutrophication, a process in which an excessive amount of nutrients in the water leads to algal blooms and depletes oxygen levels in the water. This can lead to the death of aquatic organisms. Sewage can also contain pathogens that can cause disease in humans and other animals. Additionally, sewage can contain toxic chemicals that can contaminate the water and affect the health of the aquatic ecosystem.


List all the wastes that you generate, at home, school or during your trips to other places, could you very easily reduce? Which would be difficult or rather impossible to reduce?


  1. At home: Wastes that can be easily reduced include food waste, plastic packaging, paper, cardboard, and other recyclable materials.

  2. At school: Wastes that can be easily reduced include paper, food waste, and plastic packaging.

  3. During trips to other places: Wastes that can be easily reduced include food waste, plastic packaging, and paper.

It would be difficult or rather impossible to reduce waste such as single-use items like disposable cups and cutlery, as well as non-recyclable items like Styrofoam.


Discuss the causes and effects of global warming. What measure need to be taken to control global warming?


Step 1: Explain what global warming is and its causes.

Step 2: Outline the effects of global warming.

Step 3: Discuss the measures that need to be taken to control global warming, such as reducing greenhouse gas emissions, increasing energy efficiency, and investing in renewable energy.

Step 4: Conclude by emphasizing the importance of taking action to reduce global warming.


Discuss the role of women and communities in protection and conservation of forests.


Step 1: Understand the definition of ‘protection and conservation of forests’. Protection of forests refers to the practice of protecting forests from destruction, while conservation of forests refers to the practice of managing forests to ensure their sustainability and health.

Step 2: Research the role of women and communities in protecting and conserving forests. Women and communities have historically played a key role in preserving forests, from providing traditional knowledge and practices to advocating for their protection.

Step 3: Analyze the role of women and communities in protecting and conserving forests. Women and communities can contribute to forest protection and conservation by engaging in activities such as planting trees, participating in forest conservation programs, and advocating for forest protection laws. They can also help to educate the public on the importance of forests and the need to protect them.

Step 4: Discuss the role of women and communities in protection and conservation of forests. Women and communities have a critical role to play in the protection and conservation of forests. They can contribute to the preservation of forests through their traditional knowledge, advocacy, and participation in forest conservation programs. Furthermore, they can help to educate the public on the importance of forests and the need to protect them.


What initiatives were taken for reducing vehicular air pollution in Delhi? Has air quality improved in Delhi?


  1. In order to reduce vehicular air pollution in Delhi, the government has implemented various initiatives such as the implementation of the Euro-VI emission standards, the introduction of the odd-even rule, the introduction of electric vehicles, and the introduction of the CNG program.

  2. The air quality in Delhi has improved since the implementation of these initiatives. According to the Central Pollution Control Board, the air quality index (AQI) of Delhi has improved from ‘severe’ to ‘moderate’ in the past few years.


Why ozone hole forms over Antarctica? How will enhanced ultraviolet radiation affect us?


Step 1: Ozone holes form over Antarctica due to a combination of factors, including the presence of chlorine and bromine compounds in the atmosphere, cold temperatures, and the presence of stratospheric clouds.

Step 2: Enhanced ultraviolet radiation can cause a variety of health issues, including skin cancer, cataracts, and damage to the immune system. It can also damage crops and other plants, and cause changes in the ocean’s food chain.


Discuss briefly the following: (a) Radioactive wastes (b) Defunct ships and e-wastes (c) Municipal solid wastes.


(a) Radioactive wastes: Radioactive wastes are a type of hazardous waste that contain radioactive material. These wastes can come from a variety of sources, including nuclear power plants, medical facilities, and research laboratories. Radioactive wastes can be extremely dangerous and must be handled and stored safely in order to protect people and the environment from their harmful effects.

(b) Defunct ships and e-wastes: Defunct ships are vessels that have been abandoned or decommissioned and are no longer in use. These ships often contain hazardous materials and pollutants, such as oil, chemicals, and heavy metals, that can be harmful to the environment. E-wastes are electronic products that have reached the end of their useful life, such as computers, cell phones, and televisions. These products contain hazardous materials, such as lead, mercury, and cadmium, that can be released into the environment if not disposed of properly.

(c) Municipal solid wastes: Municipal solid wastes are the non-hazardous solid wastes that are produced from households and businesses. These wastes can include paper, cardboard, plastics, glass, yard trimmings, and food scraps. Proper disposal of these wastes is important to prevent pollution and protect the environment.


Write critical notes on the following: (a) Eutrophication (b) Biological magnification (c) Groundwater depletion and ways for its replenishment


(a) Eutrophication: Eutrophication is a process in which an increase in the concentration of nutrients in an aquatic ecosystem, such as a lake, leads to an increase in the growth of aquatic plants and algae. This can lead to a decrease in water quality and an increase in the amount of organic matter, leading to changes in the food web and the health of the ecosystem. Eutrophication can also cause a decrease in biodiversity, as some species cannot survive in the altered environment. Additionally, eutrophication can cause a decrease in oxygen levels in the water, leading to the death of aquatic species.

(b) Biological Magnification: Biological magnification is a process in which pollutants, such as pesticides and heavy metals, become more concentrated in organisms higher up in the food chain. These pollutants accumulate in the tissues of organisms, and can cause a variety of health problems. The most serious effects can be seen in top predators, such as birds of prey and large fish, which can suffer from reproductive problems and neurological damage. Additionally, biological magnification can also lead to the death of aquatic species, as well as the disruption of the food web.

(c) Groundwater Depletion and Ways for its Replenishment: Groundwater depletion is a process in which the amount of groundwater available for use is reduced due to overuse or contamination. This can lead to a decrease in the quality of water available for drinking and other uses, as well as an increase in the cost of water. Ways to replenish groundwater include reducing water use, using water-efficient appliances, increasing water storage capacity, and using water-saving irrigation techniques. Additionally, recharging groundwater through artificial means, such as injecting treated wastewater into the ground, can also help to replenish groundwater.


Discuss briefly the following: (a) Greenhouse gases (b) Catalytic converter (c) Ultraviolet B


(a) Greenhouse gases are gases in the Earth’s atmosphere that trap heat and contribute to the greenhouse effect. The most common greenhouse gases are water vapor, carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, and ozone. These gases absorb and re-emit infrared radiation, which warms the atmosphere and helps regulate the Earth’s climate.

(b) A catalytic converter is a device used to reduce the emissions of pollutants from an internal combustion engine. It converts toxic pollutants such as carbon monoxide and nitrogen oxides into less harmful substances such as carbon dioxide and nitrogen. The catalytic converter works by using a catalyst, such as platinum, palladium, or rhodium, to break down the pollutants into harmless molecules.

(c) Ultraviolet B (UVB) is a type of ultraviolet radiation that is present in sunlight. UVB is responsible for sunburns and can damage the skin and eyes if exposed to too much. It can also cause skin cancer if exposure is prolonged. To protect against UVB, people should wear protective clothing and use sunscreen when outdoors.