What Are Floating Ribs

Floating ribs, also known as vertebral ribs, do not connect with the sternum ventrally and are only connected to the vertebral column.

Table of Contents

What are ribs?

[Types of Ribs](#Types of Ribs)

Frequently Asked Questions

What are ribs?

The ribs are part of the axial skeleton and form the rib cage. The rib cage is composed of ribs, the sternum, and thoracic vertebrae and provides protection for the thoracic visceral organs such as the heart, lungs, etc.

Rib Cage

The rib cage is an enclosure that consists of the sternum, vertebral column, and ribs. It is important in respiration as it holds the vital muscles necessary for respiration, such as the intercostal muscles and the diaphragm, thus having a major role in respiration.

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#Types of Ribs

Floating Ribs

The last two pairs of ribs, the 11th and 12th, are known as the floating ribs. These ribs are comparatively smaller and have cartilaginous tips. They are only connected to the thoracic vertebrae, so they are also known as the vertebral ribs. As there is no attachment present ventrally, this is why they are called the “floating ribs”.

True Ribs

The human skeleton contains twelve pairs of ribs, of which the first seven pairs are referred to as the true ribs. These ribs are vertebrosternal, meaning that they articulate directly with the sternum ventrally via sternocostal joints.

False Ribs

The last five pairs of ribs are known as false ribs, including the floating ribs. The other false ribs are the 8th, 9th and 10th pairs, which are known as vertebrochondral ribs. These ribs are connected to the 7th pair by hyaline cartilage, and the elasticity of joints allows for the movement of the rib cage during respiration.

All the ribs articulate dorsally with the thoracic vertebrae of the vertebral column by costovertebral joints.

Frequently Asked Questions

The three types of ribs are:

  1. True ribs
  2. False ribs
  3. Floating ribs

Humans have 24 ribs (12 pairs) which form the rib cage. They are classified into three types namely the true ribs (1-7), the false ribs (8-10) and the floating ribs (11,12).

What is a Cervical Rib?

A cervical rib is an extra rib which originates from the seventh cervical vertebra. It is a relatively rare congenital abnormality, occurring in about 0.5% of the population. Cervical ribs can cause compression of the nerves and blood vessels in the neck, leading to pain and other symptoms.

A cervical rib is an extra rib arising from the 7th cervical vertebrae. It is a congenital abnormality seen in only 0.2% to 0.5% of the population.

The Components of Ribs

The components of ribs are:

  1. Costal cartilage
  2. Rib head
  3. Neck
  4. Tubercle
  5. Shaft
  6. Angle

The anatomy of a rib includes the head, neck, body, tubercle and angle. The head lies next to the vertebra and the neck is the flattened extension from the head. The posterior surface of the neck has the tubercle. The body is also called the shaft of the rib. The bending part of the rib is the angle.

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