Neet Questions Biological Classification

Study the topic ‘Biological Classification’ from the second chapter of the NEET Biology syllabus, which is categorized under the Unit ‘Diversity In The Living World’. Solve important questions on the chapter collated from previous years’ NEET Question papers to gain a better understanding of the topic.

Important NEET Questions on Class 11 Chapter 2: Biological Classification

1. Bacterial cell is provided with a sticky character by this component (NEET 2017)

A. Glycocalyx

B. Nuclear Membrane

C. Cell Wall

D. Plasma membrane

None of the above

A. Diatoms are microscopic and float passively in water.

B. Diatoms are the chief producers in oceans.

C. Diatomaceous earth is formed from the cell walls of diatoms.

D. Walls of diatoms are easily destructible

Which group of organisms belongs to the imperfect fungi that are decomposers of litter and help in mineral cycling (2015)?

A. Basidiomycetes

B. Deuteromycetes

C. Ascomycetes

D. Phycomycetes

None of the above

A. Neurospora is widely used in the study of biochemical genetics.

B. Penicillium is multicellular and produces antibiotics.

C. Yeast is unicellular and used in fermentation.

D. Morels and truffles are poisonous mushrooms.

A capsule is advantageous to a bacterium because it provides protection from the environment, helps the bacterium adhere to surfaces, and assists in the uptake of nutrients.

A. It allows the bacterium to attach to the surface

It allows the bacterium to “hide” from the host’s immune system.

C. It protects means of locomotion.

D. It protects the bacterium from desiccation.

The prokaryotes most abundant in aiding humans in the production of curd from milk and antibiotics, as categorized in 2012, are particularly helpful.

A. Heterotrophic Bacteria

B. Chemosynthetic Autotrophs

C. archaebacteria

D. cyanobacteria

The pathogen Microsporum, which is responsible for ringworm disease in humans, belongs to the same kingdom of organisms as that described by Mains (2011).

Ascaris, a roundworm

B. Rhizopus, a mould

C. Wuchereria, a filarial worm

D. Taenia, a tapeworm

Two groups of hyperthermophilic organisms that grow in highly acidic (pH 2) habitats were identified in 2010.

A. Liverworts and Yeasts

B. Eubacteria and Archaea

C. Protists and Mosses

D. Cyanobacteria and Diatoms

Which of the following statements (i-iv) are correct regarding characteristics of some entities?

i. They are abstract concepts

ii. They are tangible objects

iii. They can be described using physical attributes

iv. They can be categorized into groups

i. They are abstract concepts iii. They can be described using physical attributes iv. They can be categorized into groups

I. Methanogens are archaebacteria that produce methane in marshy areas.

ii. Nostoc is a filamentous, blue-green alga that is capable of fixing atmospheric nitrogen.

iii. Chemosynthetic autotrophic bacteria synthesize cellulose from glucose.

IV. Mycoplasma do not have a cell wall and can thrive without oxygen.

These statements are correct (Mains 2010)

A. (ii) and (iii)


  • (i)
  • (ii)
  • (iii)

C. (ii), (iii), and (iv)

D.(i), (ii), and (iv)

Bacterial Leaf Blight of Rice is Caused by a Species (2008)


B. Xanthomonas

C. Erwinia


Question Answer Key

| 1 | A |

| 2 | D |

| 3 | B |

| 4 | D |

| 5 | B |

| 6 | A |

| 7 | B |

| 8 | B |

| 9 | D |

| 10 | B |

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