Floral Formula Of Solanaceae

The Solanaceae family, also known as the ‘potato family’, is an angiosperm family that is widely distributed all over the world in tropical, subtropical and temperate zones. It is comprised of a number of spices, medicinal plants, agricultural crops, and vegetables such as potatoes, tomatoes, bell peppers, and eggplant.

Floral formula and floral diagram of the Solanaceae family

Floral Formula:

**K(5) C(5) A(∞) G(∞)

The general floral formula of Solanaceae family is: K(5) C(5) A(∞) G(∞)

Floral formula of Solanaceae

Here the symbols represent:

| ⊕ | Actinomorphic (Radial Symmetry) |

| ⚥ | Bisexual |

| K(5) | Calyx - 5 sepals, united (gamosepalous) |

| C(5) | Corolla - 5 petals, gamopetalous |

| A5 | Androecium - 5 stamens, polyandrous (free), epipetalous (attached to petals) |

| G(2) | Gynoecium - Bicarpellary, Syncarpous (United), Superior Ovary |

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