Floral Formula Of Hibiscus

Hibiscus is a genus of flowering plants in the mallow family, Malvaceae. It encompasses hundreds of species native to tropical and subtropical regions with warm temperate climates around the world.

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Systematic Position Of Malvaceae

Features Of Malvaceae Species

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Floral Formula:


A floral formula is a way of representing the structure of a flower using numbers, symbols, and signs. It is used to describe the different parts of a flower in a concise manner.

The floral formula of Hibiscus rosa sinensis (China rose flower) is: Floral Formula

Bβ‚β‚β‚‹β‚β‚‚β‚‹β‚β‚‚β‚Šβ‚ K⁡ C⁡ A∞

Superior Ovary (5)

Systematic Position of Malvaceae

Division: Embryophyta (Siphonogama)

Subdivision: Angiospermae

Class: Dicotyledonaea

Subclass: Archichlamydeae

Order: Malvales

Family: Malvaceae

Features of Malvaceae Species

  1. Large, showy flowers
  2. Leaves are alternate and palmately lobed
  3. Most species are herbaceous
  4. Flowers have numerous stamens and a single pistil
  5. Fruits are capsules or schizocarps

Common Plants

| Common Name | Scientific Name |

| China rose flower or shoe flower | Hibiscus rosa sinensis |

| Cotton | Gossypium herbaceum |

| Lady’s Finger | Hibiscus esculentus |

| Mallow | Malva sylvestris |

| Hina | Pavonia odorata |

| Indian tulip | Thespesia populnea |

Size and Distribution

The Malvaceae family is quite diverse, containing nearly 25 genera and nearly 1500 species that are widely distributed in tropical and temperate regions. In India alone, 22 genera and 125 species are present.

Description of the Family

Habitat: Most members are terrestrial mesophytes.


Few plants are annuals (e.g. Malva, Althaea), some are perennial herbs, while others can grow very tall (e.g. Lavatera). Some are shrubs, such as Hibiscus rosa sinensis or Gossypium species, and some are small trees, such as Kydia and Thespesia populnea.

Root: Typically they possess a tap root system with abundant branching.

Stem: Aerial, branched, erect, herbaceous, cylindrical, and woody, with young portions covered by satellite hairs or trichomes. Generally, the stem has a fibrous texture and contains a high amount of mucilaginous sap.

Leaves: Simple in structure, leaves are usually lobed and alternate, with petioles, stipules, cordate or ovate shapes. The margins are usually entire or serrated, and venation is unicostate or multicostate and pinnately reticulated. Leaves are often covered in stellate hairs, which display mucilaginous ducts.

Inflorescence: Typically cymose, with solitary cymes in the leaf axil or raceme.

Flower: Bracteate, bracteolate, actinomorphic, showy, dichlamydeous, complete, pedicellate, heterochlamydeous, bisexual, pentamerous, hypogynous, and with mucilage in floral structures.

Calyx: Green, typically with 5 sepals, gamosepalous showing valvate aestivation with the odd sepal being posterior in position.

Epicalyx: A whorl of 5-8 bracteoles, free and green, which is formed on the surface of the outer calyx. The number of bracteoles varies in different species.

Corolla: Five petals, polypetalous with the staminal column basally adnate, variously colored, twisted aestivation.

Androecium: Number of stamens, monadelphous, with filaments fused to form a tubular staminal column around the gynoecium; anthers reniform, monothecous, extrorse and dehiscing transversally or longitudinally.

Gynoecium: Long and simple style, slender passing through the staminal tube. Stigma 5, colored and capitate, pentacarpellary syncarpous ovary with superior position, pentalocular ovary with several oculi per locule on the axile placentation. Style branches into many stigmata or twice the number of carpels.

Fruit: Most members of this family produce capsules that are typically loculicidal.

Seeds: One or more seeds per locule, exalbuminous with a curved embryo.

Pollination: Members of this family mainly exhibit entomophilous pollination, where flowers are brightly colored and have extrafloral nectaries.

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Key Features of the Family

Most members of the family exhibit a fibrous stem.

Young stems and leaves will be covered by stellate trichomes.

Members have anatomically demonstrated the presence of mucilaginous ducts.

Flowers characterized by the presence of an epicalyx or a collection of bracteoles

Flowers exhibit a polypetalous condition with contorted aestivation.

The Androecium consists of numerous Stamens, displaying Monadelphous conditions. The Anthers are Reniform and Monothecous, and the Staminal Column encloses the Gynoecium.

The gynoecium is composed of multiple carpels, has multiple locules, is syncarpous, has a superior ovary with axile placentation.

The fruit is usually a schizocarp or capsule.

Frequently Asked Questions

Characteristic Features of Malvaceae

  1. Five-petaled flowers
  2. Sepals fused into a tube
  3. Ovary superior
  4. Fruit a capsule
  5. Generally alternate, simple leaves

The young stems and leaves of Malvaceae plants are covered by stellate trichomes. The inflorescence can be cymose, raceme or solitary cymes in the leaf axis. Also, they anatomically show the presence of mucilaginous ducts.

Plants in the Malvaceae Family Include:

  • Abutilon
  • Alcea
  • Althaea
  • Lavatera
  • Malva
  • Sidalcea
  • Sphaeralcea

The Malvaceae family includes various genera, with the largest being Hibiscus, which has approximately 300 species. Some familiar plants that come under this family are China rose flower, Indian tulip, Lady’s finger, Mallow, etc.

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