Floral Formula Of Fabaceae

The Fabaceae (pea family), also known as Leguminosae, is a large family of angiosperms that is widely distributed all over the world. It is comprised of many important pulses such as peas, soybean, and chickpeas.

Floral formula and floral diagram of Fabaceae family

Table of Contents

This is an important statement.

‘[Floral Formula](#Floral Formula)’

‘[Systematic Position Of Fabaceae](#Systematic Position Of Fabaceae)’

Features Of Fabaceae Family

Economic Importance

Frequently Asked Questions

Floral Formula: (⚬ Kₐⁿ Cₐⁿ Aₒⁿ Gₒⁿ)

The floral formula of Pisum sativum (peas) of the Fabaceae family is: K5 C5 A∞ G1, where K stands for calyx (sepals), C stands for corolla (petals), A stands for androecium (stamens) and G stands for gynoecium (carpels).

% K(5) + C1 + 2 + (2) + A(9) + 1 + G1

Here the symbols represent:

| % | Zygomorphic (Bilateral Symmetry) |

| ⚥ | Bisexual |

| K(5) | Calyx - 5 sepals, gamosepalous (united) |

| C1 + 2 + (2) | Corolla - 5 petals, polypetalous |

| A(9)+1 | Androecium - 10 stamens, diadelphous |

| G1 | Gynoecium - Monocarpellary, Superior Ovary |

Systematic Position of Fabaceae

Family: Fabaceae Subfamily: Faboideae Tribe: Phaseoleae

Kingdom: Plantae

Subkingdom: Tracheobionta

Super Division: Spermatophyta

Magnoliophyta: Division

Class: Magnoliopsida

Subclass: Rosidae

Order: Fabales

Family: Fabaceae

Features of the Fabaceae Family

  1. Compound leaves
  2. Pinnately or palmate leaflets
  3. Pea-type flowers
  4. Fruit is a legume, pod, or loment
  5. Many species are nitrogen-fixing

Common Plants

The Fabaceae (pea family) is the third-largest family of angiosperms, containing roughly 750 genera and 20,000 species. Five of the largest genera of the Fabaceae family are Astragalus, Acacia, Indigofera, Crotalaria and Mimosa. Some common examples of Fabaceae species are:

| Common Name | Scientific Name |

| Acacia | Acacia |

| Alfalfa | Medicago sativa |

| Mulethi (Liquorice) | Glycyrrhiza glabra |

| Common bean | Phaseolus vulgaris |

| Pigeon pea (Arhar) | Cajanus cajan |

| Mung bean | Vigna radiata |

| Chickpea | Cicer arietinum |

| Cowpea | Vigna unguiculata |

| Fenugreek | Trigonella foenum-graecum |

| Lablab purpureus | Hyacinth bean (Sem) |

| Indigo (Neel) | Indigofera |

| Mimosa pudica | Touch me not |

| Sunn hemp | Crotalaria juncea |

| Peas | Pisum sativum |

| Peanuts | Arachis hypogaea |

| Soybean | Glycine max |

| Tamarind | Tamarindus indica |

| Broad beans | Vicia faba |

Description of the Family

It is the third largest family of flowering plants.

Habitat: Plants may be categorized as mesophytes, xerophytes, or heliophytes.

Habit: Plants in the Fabaceae family are comprised of shrubs, trees, as well as many annual and perennial herbaceous plants.

Root: The family is characterized by the presence of root nodules, which contain nitrogen-fixing symbiotic bacteria (Rhizobium).

Answer: Stem: The stem of a plant can be either herbaceous (non-woody) or woody, and may be either erect (upright) or a climber.

Leaf: Leaves are usually arranged alternately and are either simple or pinnately compound, with a reticulate venation. Additionally, they have stipules and a swollen (pulvinate) leaf base.

Inflorescence: Mostly of the racemose type.

Flower: Generally zygomorphic, having bilateral symmetry and bisexual. The flower is usually pentamerous and hypogynous.

Calyx: Five sepals with gamosepalous and valvate or imbricate aestivation.

Corolla: Five petals, consisting of one posteriorly placed petal and two lateral petals (known as wings) and two anterior petals, enclosing stamens and pistil (known as the keel), with vexillary aestivation and papilionaceous and polypetalous petals.

Androecium: Stamens ten, diadelphous. Anthers with two lobes, dithecous.

Gynoecium: Mono carpellary with a superior and unilocular ovary. Each locule contains numerous ovules and is accompanied by a curved style.

Fruit: Fruits

Seeds: Nonedospermic and with two cotyledons.

Pollination: Members of this family mainly exhibit entomophilous pollination, which is pollination by insects.

Economic Importance

Many plants provide pulses, such as moong, bean, arhar dal, masoor dal, gram, soybean, sem, etc.

Many plants are a source of edible oil, such as peanuts, soybean, and more.

Indigofera is a widely used source of the dye Indigo.

Some of the plants yield fibres, such as Sunn hemp.

Many plants possess medicinal qualities. For example, Mulethi is an excellent remedy for coughs.

Some of the plants are used for ornamental purposes, such as Sesbania, Lupinus, sweet pea, etc.

In conclusion, the flowers of the Fabaceae family typically possess zygomorphic, bisexual, pentamerous and hypogynous characteristics.

The five sepals of Calyx are either united or gamosepalous, and have a valvate or imbricate aestivation.

Corolla consists of five petals, which are polypetalous with vexillary aestivation.

The Androecium contains ten diadelphous stamens.

The gynoecium is monocarpellary, possessing a superior ovary.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are Leguminosae?

Leguminosae, commonly known as the legume, pea, or bean family, is a large and economically important family of flowering plants. It includes trees, shrubs, and perennial or annual herbaceous plants, which are easily recognized by their fruit (legume) and their compound, stipulate leaves.

The Leguminosae (also known as Fabaceae) is a family of agriculturally important angiosperms, commonly referred to as the pea family, bean family, or legume family.

Examples of Leguminosae include:

  • Peas
  • Beans
  • Lentils
  • Peanuts
  • Alfalfa
  • Clover

Legumes are an important part of many diets and include a wide variety of peas, beans, and other plant-based foods. Examples of legumes include soybean, pea, chickpeas, wild bean, peanut, liquorice, alfalfa, and more.

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