Economic Importance Of Algae

Table of Contents:

Uses of Algae

Difference Between Algae and Plants


Algae are diverse organisms that can be found in many different habitats around the world. They come in a variety of shapes, sizes, and colors. Algae can exist independently or in symbiosis with other living creatures, such as on the surfaces of plants, in soil, or on rocks. These organisms are important to the planet as they are responsible for creating a large portion of Earth’s oxygen, which is essential for both humans and other life forms to survive. Some species of algae even resemble plants, such as seaweed.

The size of phytoplankton varies greatly, and they can be found in many different habitats. These microscopic algae, which are found in both lakes and oceans, can either float or swim. In fact, one thousand of these tiny creatures can fit on a single pin’s head!

Algae are a wide variety of marine eukaryotic organisms that are all involved in the photosynthesis process. These aquatic plants are characterized by their absence of flowers, roots, leaves, or stems, and can range from single-celled microalgae to giant kelp. The organic material can be used in aquaculture as a food source, as feed, and as fertilizer. It also plays a key role in restoring alkalinity, can be used as a soil conditioner, and is utilized in various commercial products.

Learn More About: Brown Algae

What are the Uses of Algae?

Algae can be utilized in various ways, such as for food, fodder, and as a binding agent. Additionally, they are employed as thickening agents in food, biodiesel fuel, and bacterial growth mediums.


Residents from all around the world recognize green growth as a main source of sustenance. People living in European countries such as Scotland, Ireland, France, Germany, Sweden, and Norway, as well as those in South and North America, and Asian countries like Japan and China, are incorporating green growth into various dishes. These can range from salads, to fried pot dishes, to oat toppings, and even as a liquid concentrate in healthy smoothies.

Green growth is more than just a low-cost source of protein, as it is appreciated by many consumers around the world. Not only does it contain beneficial components such as sugars, fats, proteins, and vitamins A, B, C, and E, but it is also packed with minerals like potassium, iron, magnesium, manganese, calcium, and zinc. Additionally, green growth can be found in a variety of dairy products, such as milk, frozen yoghurt, cheese, whipped toppings, sugar, icing, fruit juice, and even salad dressings.

Dark-coloured green growth is particularly used to balance, broaden, and emulsify different food items, while red green growth is utilized in the creation of different semi-solid items such as medications, beauty care products, and in the making of a wide variety of foods. For example, it is used to feed livestock.


Algae are widely used as feed for various farm animals, particularly seaweed. For example, Rhodymenia palmate, also known as “Sheep’s weed”, is used to feed cows, chickens, and other animals. Additionally, green algae is used as a grain in countries like Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Taiwan, Australia, New Zealand, and both North and South America.

Reclaiming Alkalinity

Fields that once produced large yields of crops in many countries, including India, can no longer do so due to the high alkalinity of the soil. To restore these areas, often referred to as “usar” lands, it is necessary to reduce the pH level and increase the soil’s water retention. This process can be accomplished by using blue-green algae.

Binding Agent

Algae play an important role in protecting soil from natural processes such as erosion and aiding in healthy soil formation.

Examples of Green Algae

#Difference Between Algae and Plants

Algae and plants have many similarities, but there are also numerous differences between the two. Algae are a type of organism that lack true roots, stems, and leaves, while plants are multicellular organisms that contain these features. Algae are photosynthetic and can be aquatic or terrestrial, while plants are almost always terrestrial. Additionally, algae reproduce asexually, while plants can reproduce both asexually and sexually.

Algae can come in three forms: single-cell, territorial, and multi-cellular. In comparison, plants are always multi-cellular, and have distinct parts such as stems, roots, flowers, leaves, fruits, seeds, and cones. Additionally, plants have vascular systems that allow for the absorption and transportation of nutrients and water, whereas each cell in algae must obtain its own nutrients from the water for survival.

Clearly, plants are rooted in the ground and therefore cannot move. However, some algae, like holdfasts, have similar structures to plant roots and can be both photosynthetic and eukaryotic, composed of different part cells.

Although plants and algae may appear to be quite similar, they actually belong to different kingdoms. Algae are members of the Protista kingdom, while plants belong to the Plantae Kingdom. Both have the same cycle of life called alternation between ages, but they have many differences.

The plants and algae are vastly distinct in terms of their habitat, growth and reproduction, and what they produce. Additionally, some species of algae are able to move around; for instance, dinoflagellates propel themselves with a flagellum through the water.

Typically, algae are found in water; however, they can also be found on snow or land, or even in marine animals, rocks, or the fur of certain rainforest creatures such as sloth. Similarly, plants can usually be found on land, but may also be seen in the water, such as marine eelgrass and freshwater lilies.

For plants and algae, reproduction could not be more dissimilar. Plants possess complex, multi-cellular reproductive structures, with some even requiring pollination assistance from water, birds, or insects. Conversely, algae can reproduce through the formation of small spores, as well as through replication or the growth of broken pieces.


1. Carpogonia is the female sex organ of flowers?

a) Rhodophyta


c) Chrysophyta


Answer: a) Rhodophyta

2. Usually, the xanthophyte walls are of thickness?

a) Chitin

b) Cellulose

c) Cellulose and Pectin

d) Starch

Answer: C) Cellulose and Pectin

3. In what form does Chrysamoeba exist?

a) Nonmotile Coccoid

b) Filamentous

c) Amoeboid

d) Motile Amoeboid

Answer: d) Motile Amoeboid

4. Which of the following algae contain frustules?

a) Bacillariophyta



d) Rhodophyta

Answer: a) Bacillariophyta

5. The most common method of sexual reproduction in Chlamydomonas is isogamy?

a) Isogamy


c) Oogamy

d) Spore formation

Answer: a) Isogamy

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