Digestive System Of Balanoglossus

Balanoglossus is an exclusively marine animal, living in the ocean. It is a Hemichordate, serving as an evolutionary link between vertebrates and invertebrates. This cylindrical creature is soft-bodied, worm-like, and its size varies between 2 and 3 mm. The surface of its body is typically covered in cilia, and it is divided into three distinct regions: Proboscis, Collar, and Trunk. It typically inhabits sand burrows.

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Balanoglossus - Digestive System

Parts of Digestive system of Balanoglossus

Digestive Mechanism of Balanoglossus

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Balanoglossus - Digestive System

The digestive system of Balanoglossus is characterized by a long alimentary canal. This straight tube is accompanied by associated glands and starts anteriorly with the mouth - a circular and wide opening located at the ventral side in a groove between the proboscis stalk and collarette. It ends posteriorly with the anus - a circular aperture at the extreme end of the trunk.

The alimentary canal can be segregated into four sections - Oesophagus, Buccal tube, Pharynx and the intestine. The walls consist of ciliated epithelium externally lined by basement membrane and lack muscle fibers.

Parts of Digestive System of Balanoglossus

| Part | Description

| Mouth | This permanent opening is located ventrally between the proboscis and collar. It is situated at the bottom of the proboscis, between the collarette and proboscis stalk. Recent studies have shown that it can be open or closed. The mouth is equipped with two sets of muscle fibers - radial fibers which cause opening and concentric fibers which cause closing. It leads to the buccal cavity. |

| Buccal Cavity | The mouth terminates in a short buccal cavity, which is lined with glandular and ciliated cells. A stiff, hollow buccal diverticulum projects from the ceiling of this cavity, extending as a stomochord into the proboscis coelom. This cavity extends posteriorly to the collar-trunk septum, leading to the trunk as the pharynx. |

| Pharynx | The pharynx is located in the branchio-genital section of the trunk. Its walls feature a longitudinal constriction on each of the lateral sides, which extend into the lumen as parabranchial ridges. It is composed of tall columnar cells. |

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