Diadelphous Stamen Notes

Diadelphous Stamen refers to stamens that are united in two bunches.

Stamens are the male reproductive structure of a flower. They consist of a filament and anther and represent the androecium.

When stamens are free, they are known as polyandrous. On the other hand, when stamens are united, they are referred to as diandrous (2 bunches), triandrous (3 bunches), tetradrous (4 bunches), or polyandrous (more than 4 bunches).

Monoadelphous - When stamens are united and form a single bundle or compound structure, they are referred to as monoadelphous, such as in the case of the China rose.

Diadelphous - When stamens are partially united and found in two distinct bunches, they are referred to as diadelphous, such as in the case of the pea.

Polyadelphous - When stamens are united and present in more than two bunches, they are referred to as polyadelphous, such as in citrus fruits.

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