Chapter 03 Metals And Non-metals Questions-05


1. Metallic oxides of zinc, magnesium and copper were heated with the following metals.

Metal Zinc Magnesium Copper
Zinc oxide
Magnesium oxide
Copper oxide

In which cases will you find displacement reactions taking place?

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Metal Zinc Magnesium Copper

Zinc oxide No reaction DisplacementNo reaction

Magnesium oxide No reaction No reaction No reaction

Copper oxide DisplacementDisplacementNo reaction

2. Which metals do not corrode easily?

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More reactive a metal is, more likely it is to be corroded. Therefore, less reactive metals are less likely to get corroded. This is why gold plating provides high resistance to corrosion.

3. What are alloys?

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Alloys are homogeneous mixtures of two or more elements. The elements could be two metals, or a metal and a non-metal. An alloy is formed by first melting the metal and then dissolving the other elements in it. For example, steel is an alloy of iron and carbon.

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