Chapter 11 Electricity Questions-02


1. Name a device that helps to maintain a potential difference across a conductor.

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Any source of electricity like battery, cell, power supply, etc. helps to maintain a potential difference across a conductor.

2. What is meant by saying that the potential difference between two points is $1 V$ ?

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If $1 J$ of work is required to move a charge of amount $1 C$ from one point to another, then it is said that the potential difference between the two points is $1 V$.

3. How much energy is given to each coulomb of charge passing through a $6 V$ battery?

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The energy given to each coulomb of charge is equal to the amount of work which is done in moving it.

Now we know that,

Potential difference $=$ Work Done/Charge

$\therefore$ Work done $=$ Potential difference $\times$ charge

Where, Charge $=1 C$ and Potential difference $=6 V$

$\therefore$ Work done $=6 \times 1$

$=6$ Joule.

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