Chapter 05 Arithmatic Progressions Exercise-02


1. Fill in the blanks in the following table, given that $a$ is the first term, $d$ the common difference and $a_n$ the $n$th term of the AP:

$a$ $d$ $n$ $a_n$
(i) 7 3 8 $\ldots$
(ii) -18 $\ldots$ 10 0
(iii) $\ldots$ -3 18 -5
(iv) -18.9 2.5 $\ldots$ 3.6
(v) 3.5 0 105 $\ldots$
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I. $a=7, d=3, n=8, a_n=$ ?

We know that,

For an A.P. $a_n=a+(n-1) d$

$=7+(8-1) 3$

$=7+(7) 3$


Hence, $a_n=28$

II. Given that

$a=-18, n=10, a_n=0, d=$ ?

We know that,

$a_n=a+(n-1) d$

$0=-18+(10-1) d$

$18=9 d$


Hence, common difference, $d=2$

III. Given that

$d=-3, n=18, a_n=-5$

We know that,

$a_n=a+(n-1) d$


$-5=a+(17)(-3)$ $-5=a-51$


Hence, $a=46$

IV. $a=-18.9, d=2.5, a_n=3.6, n=$ ?

We know that,

$a_n=a+(n-1) d$

$3.6=-18.9+(n-1) 2.5$

$3.6+18.9=(n-1) 2.5$

$22.5=(n-1) 2.5$




Hence, $n=10$

V. $a=3.5, d=0, n=105, a_n=$ ?

We know that,

$a_n=a+(n-1) d$

$a_n=3.5+(105-1) 0$

$a_n=3.5+104 \times 0$


Hence, $a_n=3.5$

2. Choose the correct choice in the following and justify :

(i) 30 th term of the AP: $10,7,4, \ldots$, is

(A) 97

(B) 77

(C) -77

(D) -87

(ii) 11 th term of the AP: $-3,-\dfrac{1}{2}, 2, \ldots$, is

(A) 28

(B) 22

(C) -38

(D) $-48 \dfrac{1}{2}$

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I. Given that

A.P. $10,7,4, \ldots$

First term, $a=10$

Common difference, $d=a_2-a_1=7-10$


We know that, $a_n=a+(n-1) d$

$a _{30}=10+(30-1)(-3)$

$a _{30}=10+(29)(-3)$

$a _{30}=10-87=-77$

Hence, the correct answer is $\mathbf{C}$.

II. Given that, A.P.

$ -3,-\dfrac{1}{2}, 2, \ldots $

First term $a=-3$

Common difference, $d=a_2-a_1$



We know that,

$a_n=a+(n-1) d$

$a _{11}=-3+(11-1)(\dfrac{5}{2})$

$a _{11}=-3+(10)(\dfrac{5}{2})$

$a _{11}=-3+25$

$a _{11}=22$

Hence, the answer is $\mathbf{B}$.

3. In the following APs, find the missing terms in the boxes :

(i) 2 , $\square$, 26

(ii) $\square$, 13, $\square$, 3

(iii) 5, $\square$, $\square$, $9 \dfrac{1}{2}$

(iv) -4 $\square$, $\square$, $\square$, $\square$, 6

(v) $\square$, 38, $\square$, $\square$, $\square$, -22

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I. $2, \square, 26$

For this A.P.,



We know that, $a_n=a+(n-1) d$

$a_3=2+(3-1) d$

$26=2+2 d$

$24=2 d$


$a_2=2+(2-1) 12$


Therefore, 14 is the missing term.

II. $13, \square, 3$

For this A.P.,

$a_2=13$ and


We know that, $a_n=a+(n-1) d$

$a_2=a+(2-1) d$


$a_4=a+(4-1) d$

$3=a+3 d$ (II)

On subtracting (I) from (II), we obtain

$-10=2 d$


From equation (I), we obtain





Therefore, the missing terms are 18 and 8 respectively.


$5, \square, \square, 9 \dfrac{1}{2}$

For this A.P.,


$a_4=9 \dfrac{1}{2}=\dfrac{19}{2}$

We know that,

$a_n=a+(n-1) d$ $a_4=a+(4-1) d$

$\dfrac{19}{2}=5+3 d$

$\dfrac{19}{2}-5=3 d$

$\dfrac{9}{2}=3 d$



$a_3=a+2 d=5+2(\dfrac{3}{2})=8$

Therefore, the missing terms are $\dfrac{13}{2}$ and 8 respectively.


-4 $\square$, $\square$, $\square$, $\square$, 6

For this A.P.,

$a=-4$ and


We know that,

$a_n=a+(n-1) d$

$a_6=a+(6-1) d$

$6=-4+5 d$

$10=5 d$


$a_2=a+d=-4+2=-2$ $a_3=a+2 d=-4+2(2)=0$

$a_4=a+3 d=-4+3(2)=2$

$a_5=a+4 d=-4+4(2)=4$

Therefore, the missing terms are $-2,0,2$, and 4 respectively.


$\square$, 38, $\square$, $\square$, $\square$, -22

For this A.P.,



We know that

$a_n=a+(n-1) d$

$a_2=a+(2-1) d$


$a_6=a+(6-1) d$

$-22=a+5 d(2)$

On subtracting equation (1) from (2), we obtain

$-22-38=4 d$

$-60=4 d$



$a_3=a+2 d=53+2(-15)=23$

$a_4=a+3 d=53+3(-15)=8$

$a_5=a+4 d=53+4(-15)=-7$

Therefore, the missing terms are $53,23,8$, and -7 respectively.

4. Which term of the AP: $3,8,13,18, \ldots$,is 78 ?

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$3,8,13,18, \ldots$

For this A.P.,



Let $n^{\text{th }}$ term of this A.P. be 78 . $a_n=a+(n-1) d$

$78=3+(n-1) 5$

$75=(n-1) 5$



Hence, $16^{\text{th }}$ term of this A.P. is 78.

5. Find the number of terms in each of the following APs :

(i) $7,13,19, \ldots, 205$

(ii) $18,15 \dfrac{1}{2}, 13, \ldots,-47$

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I. $7,13,19, \ldots, 205$

For this A.P.,



Let there are $n$ terms in this A.P.


We know that

$a_n=a+(n-1) d$

Therefore, $205=7+(n-1) 6$

$198=(n-1) 6$



Therefore, this given series has 34 terms in it.


$18,15 \dfrac{1}{2}, 13, \ldots,-47$

For this A.P., $a=18$

$d=a_2-a_1=15 \dfrac{1}{2}-18$


Let there are $n$ terms in this A.P.

Therefore, $a_n=-47$ and we know that,

$a_n=a+(n-1) d$







Therefore, this given A.P. has 27 terms in it.

6. Check whether -150 is a term of the AP : $11,8,5,2 \ldots$

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For this A.P.,



Let -150 be the $n^{\text{th }}$ term of this A.P.

We know that, $a_n=a+(n-1) d$


$-150=11-3 n+3$

$-164=-3 n$


Clearly, $n$ is not an integer.

Therefore, - 150 is not a term of this A.P.

7. Find the 31 st term of an AP whose 11 th term is 38 and the 16 th term is 73.

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Given that,

$a _{11}=38$

$a _{16}=73$

We know that,

$a_n=a+(n-1) d$

$a _{11}=a+(11-1) d$

$38=a+10 d(1)$


$a _{16}=a+(16-1) d$

$73=a+15 d(2)$

On subtracting (1) from (2), we obtain

$35=5 d$


From equation (1),

$38=a+10 \times(7)$



$a _{31}=a+(31-1) d$




Hence, $31^{\text{st }}$ term is 178.

8. An AP consists of 50 terms of which 3rd term is 12 and the last term is 106 . Find the 29th term.

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Given that,


$a _{50}=106$

We know that,

$a_n=a+(n-1) d$

$a_3=a+(3-1) d$

$12=a+2 d(1)$

Similarly, $a _{50}=a+(50-1) d$

$106=a+49 d$ (II)

On subtracting (I) from (II), we obtain

$94=47 d$


From equation (I), we obtain



$a _{29}=a+(29-1) d$

$a _{29}=8+(28) 2$

$a _{29}=8+56=64$

Therefore, $29^{\text{th }}$ term is 64 .

9. If the 3 rd and the 9 th terms of an $AP$ are 4 and -8 respectively, which term of this $AP$ is zero?

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Given that,



We know that,

$a_n=a+(n-1) d$

$a_3=a+(3-1) d$

$4=a+2 d(1)$

$a_9=a+(9-1) d$

$-8=a+8 d$ (II)

On subtracting equation (I) from (II), we obtain

$-12=6 d$


From equation (I), we obtain




Let $n^{\text{th }}$ term of this A.P. be zero.

$a_n=a+(n-1) d$


$0=8-2 n+2$

$2 n=10$


Hence, $5^{\text{th }}$ term of this A.P. is 0 .

10. The 17th term of an AP exceeds its 10th term by 7. Find the common difference.

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We know that,

For an A.P., $a_n=a+(n-1) d$

$a _{17}=a+(17-1) d$

$a _{17}=a+16 d$

Similarly, $a _{10}=a+9 d$

It is given that

$a _{17}-a _{10}=7$

$(a+16 d)-(a+9 d)=7$

$7 d=7$ $d=1$

Therefore, the common difference is 1 .

11. Which term of the AP : $3,15,27,39, \ldots$ will be 132 more than its 54 th term?

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Given A.P. is $3,15,27,39, \ldots$



$a _{54}=a+(54-1) d$




We have to find the term of this A.P. which is 771 .

Let $n^{\text{th }}$ term be 771 .

$a_n=a+(n-1) d$

$771=3+(n-1) 12$

$768=(n-1) 12$



Therefore, $65^{\text{th }}$ term was 132 more than $54^{\text{th }}$ term.


Let $n^{\text{th }}$ term be 132 more than $54^{\text{th }}$ term.


$=54+11=65^{\text{th }}$ term

12. Two APs have the same common difference. The difference between their 100th terms is 100 , what is the difference between their 1000th terms?

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Let the first term of these A.P.s be $a_1$ and $a_2$ respectively and the common difference of these A.P.s be $d$.

For first A.P.,

$a _{100}=a_1+(100-1) d$

$=a_1+99 d$

$a _{1000}=a_1+(1000-1) d$

$a _{1000}=a_1+999 d$

For second A.P.,

$a _{100}=a_2+(100-1) d$

$=a_2+99 d$

$a _{1000}=a_2+(1000-1) d$

$=a_2+999 d$

Given that, difference between

$100^{\text{th }}$ term of these A.P.s $=100$

Therefore, $(a_1+99 d)-(a_2+99 d)=100$

$a_1-a_2=100$ (1)

Difference between $1000^{\text{th }}$ terms of these A.P.s

$(a_1+999 d)-(a_2+999 d)=a_1-a_2$

From equation (1),

This difference, $a_1-a_2=100$

Hence, the difference between $1000^{\text{th }}$ terms of these A.P. will be 100 .

13. How many three-digit numbers are divisible by 7 ?

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First three-digit number that is divisible by $7=105$

Next number $=105+7=112$

Therefore, $105,112,119, \ldots$

All are three digit numbers which are divisible by 7 and thus, all these are terms of an A.P. having first term as 105 and common difference as 7 .

The maximum possible three-digit number is 999 . When we divide it by 7 , the remainder will be 5 . Clearly, $999-5=$ 994 is the maximum possible three-digit number that is divisible by 7 .

The series is as follows.

105, 112, 119, …, 994

Let 994 be the $n$th term of this A.P. $a=105$



$n=$ ?

$a_n=a+(n-1) d$

$994=105+(n-1) 7$

$889=(n-1) 7$



Therefore, 128 three-digit numbers are divisible by 7 .

14. How many multiples of 4 lie between 10 and 250 ?

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First multiple of 4 that is greater than 10 is 12 . Next will be 16 .

Therefore, 12, 16, 20, 24, …

All these are divisible by 4 and thus, all these are terms of an A.P. with first term as 12 and common difference as 4 .

When we divide 250 by 4 , the remainder will be 2 . Therefore, $250-2=248$ is divisible by 4 .

The series is as follows.

$12,16,20,24, \ldots, 248$

Let 248 be the $n^{\text{th }}$ term of this A.P.




$a_n=a+(n-1) d$

$248=12+(n-1) 4$




Therefore, there are 60 multiples of 4 between 10 and 250 .

15. For what value of $n$, are the $n$th terms of two APs: $63,65,67, \ldots$ and $3,10,17, \ldots$ equal?

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$63,65,67, \ldots$



$n^{\text{th }}$ term of this A.P. $=a_n=a+(n-1) d$

$a_n=63+(n-1) 2=63+2 n-2$

$a_n=61+2 n(1)$

$3,10,17, \ldots$



$n^{\text{th }}$ term of this A.P. $=3+(n-1) 7$

$a_n=3+7 n-7$

$a_n=7 n-4(2)$

It is given that, $n^{\text{th }}$ term of these A.P.s are equal to each other.

Equating both these equations, we obtain

$61+2 n=7 n-4$

$61+4=5 n$

$5 n=65$


Therefore, $13^{\text{th }}$ terms of both these A.P.s are equal to each other.

16. Determine the AP whose third term is 16 and the 7 th term exceeds the 5th term by 12 .

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$a+(3-1) d=16$

$a+2 d=16(1)$ $a_7-a_5=12$

$[a+(7-1) d]-[a+(5-1) d]=12$

$(a+6 d)-(a+4 d)=12$

$2 d=12$


From equation (1), we obtain




Therefore, A.P. will be

$4,10,16,22, \ldots$

17. Find the 20th term from the last term of the AP : 3, 8, 13, …, 253.

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Given A.P. is

$3,8,13, \ldots, 253$

Common difference for this A.P. is 5 .

Therefore, this A.P. can be written in reverse order as

$253,248,243, \ldots, 13,8,5$

For this A.P.,




$a _{20}=a+(20-1) d$

$a _{20}=253+(19)(-5)$

$a _{20}=253-95$


Therefore, $20^{\text{th }}$ term from the last term is 158.

18. The sum of the 4 th and 8 th terms of an AP is 24 and the sum of the 6 th and 10 th terms is 44. Find the first three terms of the AP.

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We know that,

$a_n=a+(n-1) d$

$a_4=a+(4-1) d$

$a_4=a+3 d$


$a_8=a+7 d$

$a_6=a+5 d$

$a _{10}=a+9 d$

Given that, $a_4+a_8=24$

$a+3 d+a+7 d=24$

$2 a+10 d=24$

$a+5 d=12(1)$

$a_6+a _{10}=44$

$a+5 d+a+9 d=44$

$2 a+14 d=44$

$a+7 d=22(2)$

On subtracting equation (1) from (2), we obtain

$2 d=22-12$

$2 d=10$


From equation (1), we obtain

$a+5 d=12$



$a=-13$ $a_2=a+d=-13+5=-8$


Therefore, the first three terms of this A.P. are $-13,-8$, and -3 .

19. Subba Rao started work in 1995 at an annual salary of ₹ 5000 and received an increment of ₹ 200 each year. In which year did his income reach ₹ 7000 ?

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20. Ramkali saved ₹ 5 in the first week of a year and then increased her weekly savings by ₹ 1.75 . If in the $n$th week, her weekly savings become ₹ 20.75 , find $n$.

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Given that,





$a_n=a+(n-1) d$

$20.75=5+(n-1) 1.75$

$15.75=(n-1) 1.75$





Hence, $n$ is 10 .

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