Chapter 02 Ear to Ear

Who has got my ears?

Are these animals looking funny? The artist has drawn wrong ears on the heads of the animals. Give correct ears to the animals in the space given below.

Animal Ear
Elephant Mouse
  • Different animals have different kinds of ears. Among the animals given below, which one have ears that you can see? In which animal can you not see the ears? Write in the table below.
Deer Frog Fish Ant Crow
Tiger Sparrow Buffalo Snake Lizard
Pig Duck Giraffe Elephant Cat

Animals whose ears we
can see
Animals whose ears we
can not see

Do you think that the animals whose ears we can not see, really do not have ears?

Let us observe this picture.

Name the animals in the pictures.

Can you see their ears?

They all have ears, even though we can not see them.

  • Find out some other animals which have ears that we can not see. Write their names.

Read and Write

  • An animal with ears like fans __________________________
  • An animal with ears like leaves __________________________
  • An animal with ears on the top of its head __________________________
  • An animal with ears on both sides of its head __________________________

You know very well that ears help us to hear. In some animals you can see the ears, in some you can not. We can not see a bird’s ears. A bird has tiny holes on both sides of its head. Generally, the holes are covered with feathers. They help the bird to hear.

If you look carefully, you will see tiny holes on a lizard’s head. These are its ears.

A crocodile also has ears like this, but we can not see them easily.

Whose Skin

Now you know how to recognise animals by their ears. Let us see if we can recognise animals by their skin.

Match the animals shown here with the pictures of their skin. Make the correct pattern of the skin on the picture of each animal.

The different patterns on the animals are due to the hair on their skin.

Have you ever seen an animal without hair or whose hair have been removed? Imagine how the animal would look if it did not have any hair on its skin. There would be no patterns!

You might have seen some of the animals given below.

Fox Elephant Sparrow Pigeon
Frog Crow Peacock Pig
Mouse Cat Buffalo Duck
Hen Camel Lizard Cow

Put the names of the animals in the table below.

Ears can be
Has hair
on skin
Ears can not
be seen
Has feathers
on skin

In which list did you put the cow and the buffalo? From a distance, can you see the hair on their skin? Try to go near one of them. Could you see the hair?

If you were to meet an elephant, would you dare to touch it? Do you know that an elephant also has hair on its skin.

For the Teacher: Discuss more details of mentioned animals in this chapter such as their food habits, habitats, etc. Develop sensitivity towards animals.

Can you tell which of the animals mentioned in the list lay eggs? Find out and write the names of these animals in the green box.

Which of the animals in the list give birth to babies? Write their names in the red box.

Now, look again at the table on the previous page. Draw a line under the names of animals whose names are in the green box. Put a circle around the names of those animals whose names are in the red box.

So, what did you note? Those animals whose ears you can see have hair on their body. These animals give birth to the young ones. Those animals that do not have ears on the outside, do not have hair on their body. These animals lay eggs.

  • Have you seen animals around your house or school that have small babies? Write their names in your notebook.

  • Have you ever kept a pet? Does anyone you know keep a pet?

  • Find out more about the pet.

    • Which animal is it?

    • Does it have a name? What is it?

    • Who gave it this name?

    • What does it like to eat?

    • How many times a day is it given food?

    • When does it sleep? For how long does it sleep?

    • Is there any special way to look after this animal? How?

    • Does it get angry? When? How do you know it is angry?

    • Does it have hair or feathers on its skin?

    • Can you see its ears?

    • Is it a baby or a young animal or a full grown animal?

    • Will this pet animal lay eggs or give birth to babies?

    • Does it have young ones?

    • Draw a picture of this animal and colour it. Give it a name of your own choice.

  • Look at this picture. Colour the parts which have even numbers $(2,4,6,8 \ldots)$. What do you see? Find out the name of the animal.

Many many years ago there were dinosaurs on earth, but not any more. Now we see them in films, photos and books. Find out more about dinosaurs and share with your friends.

Have you seen any animal that looks a little like dinosaur? Do you know its name?

Find out from your elders.

For the teacher: Chidren may name many different animals that they think resemble the dinosaur. All answers are acceptable. You can create and organise more such activities in the class.

  • Look at this animal. Write its name. Do you know that this is our National Animal?
  • Where does it live?

The numbers of this animal are going down in India. Discuss why this could be happening?

Make Your Own Bird

For the teacher: For making the paper bird it will be useful if the paper has different colours on both sides.

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