Chapter 09 Which Season is it?


Five seasons in a year Spring begins with a cheer Flowers bloom, the birds sing When comes the merry spring

Summer comes with the shining sun and a long day for children to play.

Rainy season comes with the water drops; Peacock dances and the frog hops.

Leaves fall on the ground. Pleasant winds on the way, is when it is an autumn day.

Winter is when I’m all in snow from head to toe.

Let us Discuss

A. In which season do you go on a vacation?

B. Your birthday falls in which season of the year?

C. Which is your favourite season? Why?

D. What is special about your favourite season?

Read the poem aloud and enact. Discuss the special things that they do in different seasons. Also talk about the various locally available food and clothes, for example, pheran in Kashmir, etc. also, discuss how the local variations in seasons affect the daily lives of people.

Match the seasons with their names and festivals.

Dussehra, Sharad purnima

Guru Purnima, Buddha Purnima Ram Navami Mahavir Jayanti

Gudi Padwa, Shivratri, Baisakhi, Holi

Lohri, Christmas, Republic day, Gurunanak Jayanti Bihu

Janmashtami, Raksha Bandhan, Independence day

Discuss the names of the seasons in Hindi, such as Vasant, Shishir, etc., and in other regional languages as well. Tell them about other festivals like Eid, which are not seasonal.

Calendar Fun

Look at the calendar and fill the table.

Months Number of days
January, March, May, July,
August, October, December
April, June, September

Let us Talk

A. Why do we use a calendar?

B. Does February have the same number of days in every year? Discuss.

C. How many days are there in a week? $ \large\square $ days.

D. In the calendar given on the previous page how many Sundays are there in the month of April? $ \large\square $ Sundays.

E. Which months have 5 Sundays? ____________, ____________, ____________, ____________, ____________.

F. Summer vacations are in the months of ____________ and ____________.

G. Winter vacations are in the months of ________________ and ______________________.

H. find the total number of days in April and March.

$ \large\square $ days + $ \large\square $ days = $ \large\square $ days

Project Work

Make your own calendar of your birthday month and mark your birthday in it

Discuss the importance of calendar in our day-to-day life.

How Long Does it Take?

Match the activity with the duration of time it requires to get completed.

Discuss the other things that take different durations of time to complete.

Let us Talk

A. Why did the family plan a trip? To which place did they go for the trip? What did you like about their trip?

B. On which day did they begin their journey? When did they come back? How long was their trip?

C. Which places did they visit in their trip?

D. How long was their day trip in:

i. Manglagiri hills _______ hours

ii. Kondapalli fort _______ hours

When did they come back from there? _______

E. For how many hours were they in the train when going from—

i. Visakhapatnam to Vijaywada

$ \begin{array}{|l|} \hline \hspace{6 mm} \\ \hline \end{array} $ to $ \begin{array}{|l|} \hline \hspace{6 mm} \\ \hline \end{array} $

ii. Vijaywada to Visakhapatnam

$ \begin{array}{|l|} \hline \hspace{6 mm} \\ \hline \end{array} $ to $ \begin{array}{|l|} \hline \hspace{6 mm} \\ \hline \end{array} $

$ \begin{array}{|l|} \hline ……. \text{hours} \\ \hline ……. \text{hours} \\ \hline \end{array} $

Which among the two journey took longer?

F. Have you been on a trip recently? What do you enjoy most about trips?

Amazing Fact

Do you know?
Vande Bharat is the fastest train in India. The train is designed in India only and is also India’s first train to have an integrated engine and not a separate engine coach.

Talk with children about their travel experiences to familiarise them with the idea of duration in terms of days and hours. Also discuss what is special about their cities.

Gargi’s Day

Let us see what Gargi does in a day. Write down the time for each picture

Let us Talk

Look at the position of the short hand (hour hand) and long hand (minute hand), and observe at what time Gargi does these activities in a day.

A. At what time does she wake up? $ \begin{array}{|l|} \hline \hspace{6 mm} \\ \hline \end{array} $

B. When does she go to school? $ \begin{array}{|l|} \hline \hspace{6 mm} \\ \hline \end{array} $

C. At what time does she have her lunch? $ \begin{array}{|l|} \hline \hspace{6 mm} \\ \hline \end{array} $

Let us Do

A. Read the time on the clock.

B. Draw hour hand and minute hand on the clock.

C. When do you do the activities shown below?

Mark them on the clock by drawing the hour hand and the minute hand.

Let us Play — Knowing Direction

Ask a child to volunteer from the class. blindfold him or her. Give directions to the blindfolded child to move from one spot to another (for example, move from the last bench to the blackboard). For directions use these words only— right, left, or straight. The game will go on for 5–7 rounds with different children volunteering themselves. Ask the children to decide a safe word like ‘danger’ when one is about to get hit by objects in the classroom. (To increase the difficulty level, you may change the setting of the classroom or keep harmless hurdles on the way).

Sarah’s Way to School

Green line is the path taken by Sarah to reach the school. Now draw a line with different colours to take Aastha and Nia from their home to the school.

Discuss the use of mobile apps for navigation, i.e., for locating different places.

East, West, North or South

$\quad$ Let us stand

$\quad$ to face the rising sun.

$\quad$ This is the…East direction.

To your back you will find the West direction.

Put your left thumb out and that is North.

On your right is the direction South.

So, when we step out and move about,

we know which direction to go

East, West, North or South

Sing the poem with actions. Help children to identify the directions. The direction must be emphasised by the teacher, and examples should be given to the children from their immediate surroundings so that they understand the spatial relevance of these words.

Let us Do

Look at the classroom below and answer the questions by using the words north, south, east and west (refer to the compass).

A. Haneet’s desk is to the ___________ of Sarah’s desk.

B. Almirah is to the ___________ of Ali’s desk.

C. To reach the blackboard, Mira must walk towards ___________ and then ___________.

D. To feed the birds on the window, Nitin has to walk ___________ and then ___________.

Discuss the compass and its usage. Also ask the children to use a compass to find out the directions of objects from different points of reference.

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