Chapter 07 Rani's Gift

Let us Read

Once upon a time, Raja Jagdeep wanted to make a beautiful carved bed for his queen. He called his best carpenter from the town.

Let us Do

Use your textbook to measure the length of the following objects.

Let us Do

Kavita is going to the school from her home. She is getting late. Which path should she use to reach the school fast? Mark it in the picture given below.

Let us Do

Choose the longest path from A to B.

Also make the shortest path between A and B.

Encourage children to verify their choice of path using a thread. Ask them to help each other in measuring the length.

How Many Blocks?

Fill in the blanks

A. The giraffe is _______________ blocks tall.

B. The _______________ is 7 blocks tall.

C. The monkey is _______________ blocks tall.

D. The _______________ is 5 blocks tall.

Let us Do

How long is your hand? Trace your hand in the space given below and count the number of lines.

Project Work

Find the length of the following using any tool of your choice (eraser, blocks, pencil). Record your measurement.
• Any wall of your house
• Length of your bed
• Length of a door

Pumpkin’s Chaupal

Look at the picture and compare which vegetables are lighter or heavier than the other vegetables.

What do you think is heavier— a pumpkin or a watermelon? Discuss.

Fill in the blanks.

A. Muskmelon is heavier than carrot.

B. Capsicum is lighter than ___________.

C. ___________ is heavier than ___________.

D. ___________ is lighter than ___________.

E. ___________ is the heaviest of all.

F. ___________ is the lightest of all.

Let us Do

Collect a few things from your surroundings. Sort out the lightest and the heaviest among those. Arrange all the things in the increasing order of their weight. How do you know which is light and which is heavy?

Make your own Balance!

Make your own balance with the help of a paper cup, thread and a hanger like the one shown here. Now compare any two objects like eraser, ball, bead, pencil, crayon, etc., to see which one is heavier.

Let us Do

Circle $\Huge\circ$ the heaviest one.

Circle $\Huge\circ$ the lightest one.

Let us Think

Tick $(\checkmark)$ the vegetables and fruits which will make the balance go down. Mark Light (L) and Heavy (H).

Let us Do

Take two paper bags of same size. Fill one with sand and the other with dry leaves. Discuss their weights (which bag is heavier).

Look at the pictures and discuss the different types of balance used by people in the pictures given below.

Tick $(\checkmark)$ the type of balance you have seen before.

Fruits in the Park

Watermelon and mango want to play on the see-saw. Watermelon sits on one side, but he could not get up. His friend mango called other mangoes to sit on the other side.

A. How many mangoes will balance the watermelon?
Find out from the picture given above.

B. How many coconuts can balance the watermelon if—

Project Work

Name some of your family members or friends who you think weigh
A. almost the same as you ________________________________
B. more than you ________________________________
C. less than you ________________________________

Find out the places where you can check your weight. What is your weight? $\large\Box$

Encourage students to estimate the weight of different objects around them in relation to other objects.

Let us make

Nimbu Pani

Raghu and his friends made nimbu pani for Raghu’s grandmother.
He used the following things to prepare 1 glass of nimbu pani.

A. Water: 1 glass

B. Sugar: 1 spoon

C. Lemon juice: 2 spoons

D. A pinch of salt

Now Raghu wants to make nimbu pani for himself and his two friends. Raghu has to make 3 glasses of nimbu pani. Write the quantity of ingredients he has to use to make 3 glasses of nimbu pani.

Water: $ \begin{array}{|l|} \hline \hspace{6 mm} \\ \hline \end{array} $ glasses $\qquad$ Sugar: $ \begin{array}{|l|} \hline \hspace{6 mm} \\ \hline \end{array} $ spoon

Lemon juice: $ \begin{array}{|l|} \hline \hspace{6 mm} \\ \hline \end{array} $ spoons $\qquad$ Salt: $ \begin{array}{|l|} \hline \hspace{6 mm} \\ \hline \end{array} $ pinch

Find Out

Name some drinks that are prepared at your home. Find out the ingredients used for making your favourite drink and write them below. Name of your favourite drink __________

Raghu’s bottle is filled with four glasses of water.

A. How many glasses of water can fill your bottle?

B. How many glasses of water can fill your friend’s bottle?

C. Does your friend’s bottle fill with equal/ more/less amount of water?

Name the friend whose bottle can carry—

A. Equal water as yours $ \begin{array}{|l|} \hline \hspace{2 cm} \\ \hline \end{array} $

B. Less water than yours $ \begin{array}{|l|} \hline \hspace{2 cm} \\ \hline \end{array} $

C. More water than yours $ \begin{array}{|l|} \hline \hspace{2 cm} \\ \hline \end{array} $

Project Work

To make a jal tarang (musical instrument), arrange 5–7 similar glasses or bowls. Fill them with varying levels of water. Gently tap a spoon on each glass or bowl and hear how each one sounds. Tap at different parts of the glass or bowl to feel the difference.

Discuss the uses and importance of water in our life. Also discuss the proper usage and no wastage of water.

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