Why Measures Of Central Tendencies Not Enough For Data Study

Why measures of central tendencies not enough for data study?

graph TD A[Why measures of central tendencies not enough for data study?] B[Limitations of Mean] C[Limitations of Median] D[Limitations of Mode] E[Importance of Data Distribution] F[Need for Additional Statistical Measures] G[Real World Data Complexity] A --> B A --> C A --> D A --> E A --> F A --> G B -->|Influence of Outliers| H[Mean can be skewed by outliers] C -->|Not Reflective of Data Distribution| I[Median doesn't provide information about the entire data set] D -->|Not Useful for Continuous Data| J[Mode is less useful for data with many unique values] E -->|Variability and Skewness| K[Understanding the spread and asymmetry of data] F -->|Standard Deviation, Variance, etc.| L[More comprehensive understanding of data] G -->|Multiple Variables, Non-Normal Distribution, etc.| M[Complexity of real world data requires more than central tendencies]