Introduction To Ideal Gas Law

Introduction to ideal gas law

graph TB A["Introduction to Ideal Gas Law"] A --> B["Definition"] B --> C["Ideal Gas"] B --> D["Gas Law"] A --> E["Components"] E --> F["Pressure (P)"] E --> G["Volume (V)"] E --> H["Temperature (T)"] E --> I["Number of Moles (n)"] A --> J["Mathematical Expression"] J --> K["PV = nRT"] A --> L["Assumptions"] L --> M["Gases consist of large numbers of molecules that are in constant, random motion"] L --> N["The volume of the individual gas molecules can be assumed to be negligible"] L --> O["The gas molecules are assumed to exert no forces on each other"] L --> P["The kinetic energies of the gas molecules are proportional to the temperature of the gas"] A --> Q["Applications"] Q --> R["In Chemistry"] Q --> S["In Physics"] Q --> T["In Engineering"]