Detergency And Micelle Formation

Detergency and micelle formation

graph TB A[Detergency and Micelle Formation] A --> B1[Detergency] A --> B2[Micelle Formation] B1 --> C1[Types of Detergents] B1 --> C2[Mechanism of Detergency] B2 --> C3[Types of Micelles] B2 --> C4[Micelle Formation Process] C1 --> D1[Anionic Detergents] C1 --> D2[Cationic Detergents] C1 --> D3[Non-ionic Detergents] C2 --> D4[Adsorption and Wetting] C2 --> D5[Emulsification and Dispersion] C2 --> D6[Suspension and Anti-redeposition] C3 --> D7[Spherical Micelles] C3 --> D8[Cylindrical Micelles] C3 --> D9[Vesicular Micelles] C4 --> D10[Critical Micelle Concentration] C4 --> D11[Factors Affecting Micelle Formation]