Villi And Microvilli

Villi and Microvilli

graph TB A[Villi and Microvilli] B[Villi] C[Microvilli] D[Functions of Villi] E[Functions of Microvilli] F[Structure of Villi] G[Structure of Microvilli] A --> B A --> C B --> D B --> F C --> E C --> G D -->|1| H[Increase surface area for absorption] D -->|2| I[Contain blood vessels to transport nutrients] E -->|1| J[Increase surface area for absorption] E -->|2| K[Contain digestive enzymes] F -->|1| L[Covered in epithelial cells] F -->|2| M[Contain a network of capillaries] G -->|1| N[Covered in a brush border of microvilli] G -->|2| O[Increase the cell's surface area]