Photosynthesis and Respiration:Respiration- 4

Answers of question asked

graph TD; A[Answers of questions asked] --> B[Biology]; B --> C[Cell Biology]; B --> D[Genetics]; B --> E[Ecology]; B --> F[Evolution]; C --> G[What is a cell?]; D --> H[What is DNA?]; E --> I[What is an ecosystem?]; F --> J[What is natural selection?]; G --> K[Answer 1]; H --> L[Answer 2]; I --> M[Answer 3]; J --> N[Answer 4];


graph LR A[Acetyl CoA] B[Citrate] C[Isocitrate] D[Alpha-Ketoglutarate] E[Succinyl CoA] F[Succinate] G[Fumarate] H[Malate] I[Oxaloacetate] A --> B B --> C C --> D D --> E E --> F F --> G G --> H H --> I I --> A

Significance of Krebs cycle

graph TD; A[Significance of Krebs Cycle]; B[Energy Production]; C[Carbon Dioxide Production]; D[Oxaloacetate Production]; E[Regeneration of NAD+ and FAD]; A-->B; A-->C; A-->D; A-->E; B-->F[ATP]; B-->G[NADH]; B-->H[FADH2]; C-->I[For Exhalation]; D-->J[For Amino Acid Synthesis]; E-->K[For Glycolysis and Oxidative Phosphorylation];


graph TD; A[TERMINAL OXIDATION] --> B((Subtopic 1)); A --> C(Subtopic 2); B --> D{Subtopic 1.1}; C --> E[Subtopic 2.1];