Photosynthesis and Respiration:Respiration- 1

Cellular respiration

graph TD; A[Cellular Respiration]; B[Glycolysis]; C[Pyruvate Decarboxylation]; D[Citric Acid Cycle]; E[Electron Transport Chain]; A-->B; B-->C; C-->D; D-->E;

Respiratory substrate

graph TB A[Respiratory Substrate] A --> B[Carbohydrates] A --> C[Fats] A --> D[Proteins] B --> E[Glucose] C --> F[Fatty Acids] D --> G[Amino Acids]

Respiratory Quotient(RQ)

graph TB RQ("Respiratory Quotient(RQ)") RQ --> Definition("Definition") RQ --> Calculation("Calculation") RQ --> Importance("Importance") Definition --> "It is the ratio of the volume of CO2 produced to the volume of O2 consumed." Calculation --> "RQ = CO2 eliminated / O2 consumed" Importance --> "Used to determine the metabolic rate and type of substrate being used for energy."

TYPES of cellular Respiration

graph TD A[Cellular Respiration] B[Aerobic Respiration] C[Anaerobic Respiration] D[Glycolysis] E[Krebs Cycle] F[Electron Transport Chain] G[Lactic Acid Fermentation] H[Alcoholic Fermentation] A --> B A --> C B --> D B --> E B --> F C --> G C --> H


graph TB A[Glycolysis] B[Glucose] C[Glucose 6-Phosphate] D[Fructose 6-Phosphate] E[Fructose 1,6-bisphosphate] F[Glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate] G[1,3-Bisphosphoglycerate] H[3-Phosphoglycerate] I[2-Phosphoglycerate] J[Phosphoenolpyruvate] K[Pyruvate] A --> B B --> C C --> D D --> E E --> F F --> G G --> H H --> I I --> J J --> K