Human Physiology:Excretory Products and Their Elimination – 2

Why Do We Need A Circulatory System

graph TB A[Why Do We Need A Circulatory System] A --> B[Delivers Oxygen and Nutrients] A --> C[Removes Waste Products] A --> D[Helps Fight Diseases] A --> E[Regulates Body Temperature] B --> F[To Cells] C --> G[From Cells] D --> H[White Blood Cells] E --> I[Through Blood Flow]

Special Fluids

graph TB A[Special Fluids] A --> B[Blood] A --> C[Lymph] A --> D[Cerebrospinal Fluid] A --> E[Synovial Fluid] A --> F[Gastric Juice] B --> G[Plasma] B --> H[Red Blood Cells] B --> I[White Blood Cells] B --> J[Platelets] C --> K[Lymphocytes] C --> L[Lymph Vessels] D --> M[Brain] D --> N[Spinal Cord] E --> O[Joints] F --> P[Stomach]


graph TD; A[Cells] --> B[Prokaryotic Cells]; A --> C[Eukaryotic Cells]; B --> D[Bacteria]; B --> E[Archaea]; C --> F[Animal Cells]; C --> G[Plant Cells]; F --> H[Nucleus]; F --> I[Cell Membrane]; G --> J[Cell Wall]; G --> K[Chloroplasts];


graph TD; RBCs(Red Blood Cells) --> Structure; RBCs --> Function; RBCs --> Production; RBCs --> Disorders; Structure --> Membrane["Cell Membrane"]; Structure --> Cytoplasm; Function --> OxygenTransport["Oxygen Transport"]; Function --> CarbonDioxideTransport["Carbon Dioxide Transport"]; Production --> BoneMarrow["Bone Marrow"]; Disorders --> Anemia; Disorders --> Polycythemia;


graph TD; WBCs["WBCs"]; Neutrophils["Neutrophils"]; Lymphocytes["Lymphocytes"]; Monocytes["Monocytes"]; Eosinophils["Eosinophils"]; Basophils["Basophils"]; WBCs-->Neutrophils; WBCs-->Lymphocytes; WBCs-->Monocytes; WBCs-->Eosinophils; WBCs-->Basophils;

Blood Groups

graph TB A[Blood Groups] --> B(A) A --> C(B) A --> D(AB) A --> E(O) B --> F(AA) B --> G(AO) C --> H(BB) C --> I(BO) D --> J(AB) E --> K(OO)

Coagulation Of Blood

graph TB A[Coagulation Of Blood] A --> B[Vascular Spasm] A --> C[Platelet Plug Formation] A --> D[Coagulation Cascade] B --> E[Constriction of Blood Vessels] C --> F[Activation of Platelets] C --> G[Aggregation of Platelets] D --> H[Intrinsic Pathway] D --> I[Extrinsic Pathway] H --> J[Formation of Fibrin] I --> J

Lymph(Tissue Fluid)

graph TB Lymph[Tissue Fluid] Lymph --> Composition Lymph --> Function Lymph --> Formation Lymph --> Circulation Composition --> Plasma Composition --> WhiteBloodCells Composition --> Lymphocytes Function --> Immunity Function --> FatAbsorption Formation --> InterstitialFluid Formation --> LymphCapillaries Circulation --> LymphVessels Circulation --> LymphNodes Circulation --> LymphaticDucts